Well, things are certainly going to be changing a little bit around here, now that Asher's announced he's going to take the bar. He's brilliant, so I just know he'll pass!
I've been working at Witch Weekly for a little over five years now. While I've changed departments, I haven't really moved up or gotten a significant promotion or anything, and... Maybe I should have. At least gotten something. I'm a good writer. Better than good, really, as my editors have had nothing but compliments on my last several month's worth of work. Unless they're all lying through their teeth, but my stuff gets published every week. So I must be doing something right.
Maybe it's time to look elsewhere? Or push to get bumped up a little on the writing scale? I should have some seniority by now, right? Maybe it's time to follow Asher's lead and make a big change in my working life. I don't want to be a regular staff writer forever.
At any rate, it's something to think about. Not that I'll much time over the next few days, as it's nearly Christmas and in my family, that means making the rounds and visiting and eating and all of that wonderful stuff. It's still a little overwhelming, and I don't even have kids or in-laws to account for. Sometimes I really don't know how my siblings do it all. And it's even harder now, since none of us live at home anymore. Though we all get to crowd Mum's house, and that is kind of fun.