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Mar 24, 2007 19:41

Haven't really had nothing like this in a while so I decided to snag this from the lovely
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Comments 33

spiffing_cheese March 24 2007, 18:09:09 UTC



fiona_squid March 25 2007, 16:18:48 UTC
1) Tell you why I friended you.
You love Drose. I love Drose. A beautiful reason to add. ♥

2) Associate you with a song/film.
Goodbye to you by Michelle Branch

3) Tell a random fact about you.
You have the same kind of glasses I did before I started wearing contacts.

4) Tell a first memory about you.
Somehow I have a dim memory about a FO-banner that you had a while back and how I loved it. o_O

5) Associate you with a character/pairing.
Tosh from Torchwood.

6) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
What the hell does spiffing mean? :D My dictonary sucks. It doesn't know that word. ^^"

7) Show you my favourite user pic of yours.

... )


makisuke March 24 2007, 18:32:10 UTC
Minäminäminä! ^^


fiona_squid March 24 2007, 19:59:45 UTC
1) Tell you why I friended you.
Oli kiva törmätä johonkin suomalaiseen VMars-faniin.

2) Associate you with a song/film.
No periaattessa ihan mikä vaan Rentin biisi, mutta ihan erityisesti "Santa Fe".

3) Tell a random fact about you.
No olet ainakin parempi koulussa kun mä. :D

4) Tell a first memory about you.
Ihan eka kunnon muisto on kuin luin kesällä jotain entryäsi, missä puhuit jädestä. :D

5) Associate you with a character/pairing.
Mac Veronicasta. ^^

6) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
Latailetko muitakin sarjoja V:n lisäksi netistä?

7) Show you my favourite user pic of yours.

... )


makisuke March 24 2007, 20:25:56 UTC
Mustakin oli kiva törmätä suhun! Ja hei, muistan sen jäde-entryn. Se taisi olla mascarponejäätelöstä tai sitten siitä Magnumin yogurt freshistä (aaaah). Hauskaa, että assoisoit mut Maciin.

En lataile tällä hetkellä muita kuin VM:ää. Vois kyllä tota Lostin kolmos kautta alkaa... ;)


fiona_squid March 24 2007, 20:35:09 UTC
joo, just toi entry se oli. taisi olla vaan ihan niitä ekoja mitä luin sun päiviksestä ja sen takia jäänyt jotain syystä hyvin muistiin. ^^

ja kannattaa todellakin alkaa latailemaan lostia. kolmas kausi on paljon laadukkaampaa kuin toka kausi. ♥


flamemetal89 March 24 2007, 18:34:57 UTC
oh do me (as I do yours ^^) and omg Heroes icon ♥


fiona_squid March 24 2007, 20:16:59 UTC
1) Tell you why I friended you.
I noticed you in some community and loved the fact that you were a Fullmetal fan too. ^^

2) Associate you with a song/film.
I have no idea why this is but you somehow remind of Nirvana's Lithium.

3) Tell a random fact about you.
You may be the reason why I'm starting to watch Heroes. ;)

4) Tell a first memory about you.
Hmm... Apparently I not very good with first impression since I almost never remember them that well. Who ever even came up with that "first impression is everything"? That is so bull. But I do remember that I was really hyper about your name and that I had found another Ed and Al lover. ♥

5) Associate you with a character/pairing.
the wife in family guy. don't mind the somewhat weird picture.

... )


flamemetal89 March 26 2007, 04:02:23 UTC
Lithium - this is so fucking awesome xD

Yes - all the cool kids watch Heroes xD

The wife? thats awesome xD but I so have to ask how you came to that of all things xD

Languages - I can speak some basic French, like if I brushed up on it I'd be able to get around fine in France and I can speak just a little Japanese but I'm better at writing and reading it

and I know - Totoro is just the cutest thing ever ^___^ I have a couple of those that I found, they are ADORABLE! I can post them for you if you want


fiona_squid March 26 2007, 14:04:36 UTC
Well apparently I'm a cool kid with a capital C. I've watched maybe 4 episodes of Heroes and I'm completely hooked. ♥♥♥

Honestly, I have no idea from what part of my ass I pulled out that "the wife from FG" answer. You have same kind of nice and caring yet twisted personality (take this as a compliment). ^^"

Do post them if it's just not too much trouble. ♥


sweetbelle07 March 24 2007, 18:39:51 UTC


fiona_squid March 24 2007, 20:33:33 UTC
1) Tell you why I friended you.
I think I came across your journal somehow thru milz and then I just saw that we had same fandom intrests and voilà. ^^

2) Associate you with a song/film.
I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie

3) Tell a random fact about you.
I think you know just how good coffee can be.

4) Tell a first memory about you.
Your huge Jate entry from a while back. ♥

5) Associate you with a character/pairing.
Jate. Dah. :D

6) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
What was your first fandom?

7) Show you my favourite user pic of yours.

... )


sweetbelle07 March 24 2007, 23:42:27 UTC
My first fandom was Alias. I stayed there for a couple years, moved onto Lost and I have yet to leave.

Hee! That is one of my favorite icons.

I'll be posting this to my journal now because I heart memes. :D


onlyechoes March 24 2007, 18:50:54 UTC
fiona_squid March 24 2007, 20:46:35 UTC
1) Tell you why I friended you.
olit eka suomalainen lost fanityttönen, johon netissä törmäsin, joten totta helvetissä tartun sellaseen tilanteeseen ja lisäilen flistalleni alta aikayksikön. :D

2) Associate you with a song/film.
u2:n vertigo. ^^

3) Tell a random fact about you.
user infosi kuva sai mut muistamaan miten hyviltä miesperseetkin voi näyttää. :DD

4) Tell a first memory about you.
eka muisto susta on mahtimaisena moderatorina suomalaisessa lost-yhteisössä. ♥

5) Associate you with a character/pairing.
no tämä ei ole kovin vaikeaa. jack ja saya. ♥ oothan lukenut foxxcubing ja muiden tyyppien loistavat ficit jo tuosta parituksesta?

6) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
varmaan vituttavin kysymys mitä voi kysyä yhteishaun ollessa käynnissä: mikä haluat olla isona?

7) Show you my favourite user pic of yours.

... )


onlyechoes March 24 2007, 21:43:43 UTC
fiona_squid March 25 2007, 06:01:10 UTC
Missäkö vaiheessa musta tuli skater? Tuohon kun tietäisikin vastauksen. Olen vähän aina ollut tämmönen sekashippaaja. Kannatan aina niitä ketkä vaan sattuu saamaan eniten ruutuaikaa. Kolmoskauden alkupuoliskon olin ihan ZOMGYAY-skater, mutta sitten kirjottajat laittaa Jate-kohtauksen yhteen jaksoon ja olen taas ihan tillintallin siitä, keiden haluan päätyvän yhteen. Niin ja sitten on vielä Jack/Juliet. Katotaan alanko niitäkin ihan hulluna shippaamaan, kun niidenkin suhde tästä etenee. o.O Tarvitsen hoitoa.

4. Älä pelästy. Koen kaikki modet mahtimaisina auktoriteettihahmoina aluksi. :D Edelleenkin tarvitsen hoitoa. x_x


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