Title: Nyctophobia
Fandom: Heroes
Characters: Nathan, wee!Peter. Pigwacket.
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 241 (W)
Written for: Day 52 at
theyreitalianThanks to:
snopes_faith, the lovely beta. *hugs*
Note(s): Love Pigwacket, Pigwacket loves you.
ny·cto·pho·bia (nik′tə fō′bē ə)
When he's three, Peter is afraid of the dark. You turn back and forth in your bed, while at the other side of the wall you hear him rising, walking around in his new room, turning all the lights on, then off, then on again. After a bit, you hear him accusing Pigwacket of being a chicken. There's nothing behind the curtain, Nathan said so. And no, it's not true that he still wets his bed. He stopped that ages ago. You hear a thud and you think that Peter threw Pigwacket. Then he resumes his walking across the room, scampering with those quick and soft steps of his.
You sigh and reach out, knocking your knuckles softly against the wall behind your head. In the silence of the night, it sounds like hammer thumps.
Click. Peter stops and then sprints like a wind-up toy. He opens the door, crosses the corridor and enters in your room. He closes the door carefully behind, because Ma and Dad must not notice.
He joins you under the sheets, digging his way under the edge of the quilt, and eventually sighs contentedly. Also the plush toy bunny comes out, and it looks like it's happier too.
"This is the last time, okay?"
"The lastestest."
"You don't wet your bed anymore, don't you, Pete?"
Peter hugs Pigwacket and shakes his head, but he doesn't seem that sure.
"G'night, Pete."
"Pfff," Peter replies, already snoring softly.