I saw the weirdest thing today on the way home from school...a patrol car with a Washington license plate. O.o What the hell does the Washington police force want with us?
Well, I have finally gotten over my hangups considering my home computer, and have been making some real progress with NaNo!! Yay!! This story is a lot easier to write than I thought it would be
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It is broken. It will not turn on. And I was so excited yesterday when they said I could keep it...*pout* And it makes doing NaNo just that much more difficult. I have, like, 20 words though...and some good ideas for scenes
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Yay!! I finished my first fan ficlet ever!! *dances* Granted, it is Dante's Divine Comedy, but...whatever. It isn't very good either, but it made Lady of the Lilacs happy, so here it is. It is Dante/Virgil and rated G...because there is nothing described. At all.
Yeah, so the Astros just won against the Braves (like, 2 hours ago, but shh!!) 7-6. After 18 effing innings!!!!. They set all sorts of records, like, most players used in a single game and most innings in a post-season game. O.o That was a damn long game. But we won, so...take that Braves. *wins*
I have lost my wallet. With my driver's licence, my student I.D., and my credit card. I think I am going to cry. I also feel bad because I had to cancel going to Jordan's because of this shit...she sounded really disappointed. *sigh* Life sucks.
Hey kids. Yes, that's right. We are evacuating. I think we are going up to some house outside of Dallas...i'm not sure. Anyway, I hope that all of you guys are ok, and I will see you Monday (I hope O.o). *hugs*