shealynn88, contact at shealynn88 @ hotmail (dot) com
Offering: Fic: Offer what you can. Every little bit helps, and I'm a small name. Anything over $10 will get you 1000 words or more. If you specifically want something longer, make an offer. $5 will get you something short. Over $10 will get you a longer story and/or some 'free' icons (your wish is my command).
Fandoms/Examples: I will write for any of the fandoms listed in
this post. It includes links to most of my work.
Limitations: I will not write chan or incest in most fandoms (ask if you want something you're not sure about. If I've written it before, I'm okay with it). Slash is not an issue.
Fic ETA: A month should be enough to get you something. I will be moving in the next week and will need time to get settled. I will be sure you have something by October 15th.