I love making mood themes, but haven't done any in a while. Help to scratch my itch and your itch, and help a good cause at the same time!
I can do the following fandoms: BtVS, AtS, Bones, Doctor Who (Old and New), Torchwood, and Firefly. Any individual characters or pairings, or a general catch-all theme if you want. You can see mood themes I've already done
here. Even if I've already done one that you want, I'll happily do another just for you, all new! Themes will come with all coding included and instructions on how to install.
I will also do icons for the above mentioned fandoms. If you want text on the icons, you'll have to supply the words yourself--I suck at coming up with that stuff! Tell me what you want it to say and I'll layer it on.
Samples of my icon work can be found in
these posts.
My work ain't fancy, but some people seem to like it. Do you? Then make a bid!