My primary fandom is Buffyverse. I could also possibly write fic for House, Star Trek: DS9, or crossovers between verses I know well enough.
Most of my fic is Spike/Xander, though I also write House/Wilson. And there's that crossover focusing on Xander and Emmett (Queer as Folk: US) that I started with
nastyshrew a couple years ago.
Let me know (in comments) what you're interested in, whether you want me to hurry up and work on a fic I've left alone for too long or give me a ficathon-style prompt. We'll see if we can work something out that fits the criteria for the relevant brains and budgets, which is why I'm not setting limits just yet.
ETA: I could also record podfic, if there's any interest in that.
My favorite writing sample is
Gray Area, an AU story centered on Xander and Spike, beginning in the fifth season of BtVS.