Fic offer

Aug 25, 2007 00:07

I'm happy to do fic, in the 1,000 - 2,000 range. (More is negotiable, and is dependent on the fandom.) I won't be doing it 'auction stule' but 'write-for-bids', i.e. no reasonable bid will be refused, everyone shall have fic, there will be joy, etc.

Fandoms I primarily write in (with characters I'm most familiar with):
- Alias: Jack Bristow, Arvin Sloane, Irina Derevko, Sydney Bristow, Francie, the Derevko family.
- Babylon 5: Londo Mollari, G'Kar, Alfred Bester, Michael Garibaldi, Mr Morden.
- BtVS/A:tS: Buffy Summers, Angel, Spike, Ilyria, Connor, early Cordelia, Giles, Dawn, Ethan Rayne.
- Firefly: River, Jayne, Book.
- Harry Potter: Snape, Sirius, Dumbledore.

Other fandoms I write in (with fewer characters I'm comfortable with):
Carnivale, Star Trek (TOS, TNG, DSN), X-Men, The West Wing.

I'm also happy with rare or small fandoms that may not be mentioned above, like 1602, 28 Days Later or Red Dwarf. There's a list of all the fandoms I've written in here. These are mostly comics, films and books.

I'm willing to negotiate characters/pairings, but will stop at an 'R' rating (so no porn from me, I'm afraid).

You can see some most of the fic I've written here to get an idea of it; additionally, all my fic is viewable through the 'tags' function on my LJ.

alias, harry potter, babylon 5, ats, kangeiko, x-men, carnivale, btvs, the west wing, firefly/serenity, star trek, fiction

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