So, I have no artistic skills whatsoever. I'm willing to bid $50 for a Buffy/Angel layout that will work on InsaneJournal. I'll bump that up to $75 if a mood theme is included, with the understanding I'd host the mood theme pics on my own server.
I'm not a great writer, but I think I'm at least decent. I'm willing to offer up my writing services if anyone is interested. I feel comfortable writing: anything in Jossverse, BSG, Heroes, Queer as Folk and Scrubs. A sample of my Buffy/Angel fiction can be found
here. I don't expect anyone to bid on fic from me, but I figured anything I can do to help, right?
Oh, and in terms of writing fic, I can write slash, but it's usually not very pretty. But, again, whatever I can do for the cause.