APH Fic The Mummy chapter 3

Oct 20, 2012 21:33

Title: The Mummy
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, England, France, Canada, Turkey, China, Latvia
Rating: T for now.
Warnings: None I believe.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: De-anon from kink meme. A crossover of The Mummy with Alfred as Connell. Arthur as Evie. And Francis as Jonathon.

Arthur clutched to Francis as he followed the warden into the Cairo prison. His eyes jumped from prisoner to prisoner.

“You told me you found it on a dig down in Thebes!” Arthur whispered to his brother.

“I was mistaken.” Francis said looking around with some interest.

“You lied to me!” Arthur hissed.

“I lie to everybody, what makes you so special?” Francis asked.

“I’m your brother.” Arthur said.

“That just makes you more gullible.” Francis said.

“You stole it from a drunk at the local Casbah?” Arthur hissed.

“Picked his pocket actually.” Francis said determinedly not looking at Arthur.

The warden ushers Arthur and Francis into the holding pen.

“And what is he in prison for?” Arthur asked the warden.

“I did not know, so when I heard you were coming, I asked him that myself.” The warden said.

“And what did he say?” Arthur asked once more.

“He said…” the warden said shrugging. “He was just looking for a good time.”

The interior cell door bursts open. A man in chains is dragged by four guards and they shove him up to the cell bars. His face is half hidden by long hair, a scraggly beard, and many new bruises and is covered in dirt. Arthur looks at him in disgust.

“But he’s just a filthy criminal.” he said.

“Way to go Arthur.” Francis whispered.

The man glances at Arthur before he looks at Francis.

“So who’s the stiff?” he asks.

“Stiff?!” Arthur sputtered.

“My brother actually.” Francis said, almost containing a note of regret in his voice.

“Yeah? Well…I’m sure he’s not a total loss.” the man said.

The warden headed out the door. “I’ll be back in a moment.” he said as he left.

“I tremble with anticipation.” the man said sarcastically.

A guard clubs the man across the head. The man’s face bounces off the metal bars however he showed no pain, all he did was look back and give the guard a nasty look. Arthur stepped closer.

“We…uh…found your puzzle box, and we’ve come to ask you about it.” Arthur said.

“No.” the man said.

“No?” Arthur repeated.

“No.” the man said. “You came to ask me about Hamunaptra.”

Arthur and Francis quickly looked around, hoping the guards didn’t hear him. They stepped closer.

“How do you know the box pertains to Hamunaptra?” Arthur asked coyly.

“Because that’s where I found it. I was there.” the man said.

Arthur felt the breath leave his body while Francis’ eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“How do we know that’s not a load of pig swallow?” Francis asked.

The man looked closer at Francis and obtained a glint of recognition in his eyes.

“Hey…don’t I know you?” the man asked.

“Um, well, you see…” Francis stuttered.

The man’s fist came flying through the bars and hits Francis square in the jaws, decking him, as he hits the floor out cold. The guards clubs that man once more and his head bounces off the bars again. He shows no pain but gives the guard another nasty look. Arthur spared his brother a glance before looking back at the man.

“You were actually at Hamunaptra?” Arthur asked.

“I just decked your brother.” The man said pointing down at his unconscious brother.

“Yes, well.” Arthur said shrugging. “I know my brother, he deserves that.”

The man almost smiles. “Yeah I was there.”

“You swear?” Arthur asked.

“Every damn day.”

“No, I mean-” Arthur started to say.

“I know what you mean.” the man interrupted. “I was there alright. Seti’s place. The city of the dead.”

“What did you find?” Arthur asked. “What did you see?”

“I found sand. I saw death.” The man said.

The warden entered once more. Arthur quickly leaned closer to the man.

“Could you tell me how to get there? The exact location?” he asked.

“Want to know?” the man asked in return.

Arthur leaned closer.

“Yes.” he said.

“Really want to know?” the man asked teasingly.

Arthur leaned his face right up to the bars, nervous and excited.

“Yes.” he said.

The man stepped forward and grabbing Arthurs face kissed him full on the lips.

“Then get me the hell outta here.” he said when he pulled away.

Arthur stood there frozen and stunned. The same guards clubs the man once more, his head bounces off the bars again. Before he could react however the guards grab him, yank him away from the bars, and drag him out of the room.

“Where are they taking him?” Arthur demanded.

“To be hanged.” The warden said.

When Arthur looked at the warden in shock the warden grins.

“Apparently he had a very good time.”

In the gallows courtyard hundreds of filthy prisoners stare down onto the gallows as the hangman’s noose is draped over the man’s head and cinched tight around his neck. Arthur follows the warden onto a balcony above the gallows.

The man looks up at Arthur sits down beside the warden.

“I will give you one hundred pounds to spare his life.” Arthur said.

“I would pay one hundred pounds just to see him hang.” The warden said in reply.

“Two hundred pounds.” Arthur said.

“Proceed.” The warden calls to the hangman.

“Three hundred pounds!” Arthur said desperately.

The man could hear every word and he looks hopeful. The hangman turns to him and asked “Any last requests pig?”

“Yeah, I’d like ya to let me go.” The man grunted.

The hangman grabs the lever to the trapdoor.

“Five hundred pounds!” Arthur calls desperately.

The warden sets his greasy hand on Arthur’s leg and grins. “And what else?”

Revolted Arthur quickly shoves the warden’s hand away.

Insulted the warden angrily turns and gestures to the hangman who pulls the lever. The trapdoor drops away.

“No!” Arthur yelled.

The man drops through the hold however the rope pays-out. Then jerks taught. The man’s body snaps at the end of the rope gasping for breath.

“His neck did not break! Good!” the warden said. “Now we get to watch him strangle to death.”

The prisoners go insane, screaming and shouting in anger. The guards look around nervous as the man struggles at the end of the rope gagging. Arthur is horrified and he quickly turns to the warden and leans forward.

“He knows the location to Hamunaptra.” he whispered.

The warden spins around and faces him.

“You lie.” he said.

“I would never!” Arthur said appalled.

“Are you saying this filthy godless son of a pig knows where to find the city of the dead? Truly?” the warden said gesturing to the choking man.

“Yes and if you cut him down, we will give you ten percent.” Arthur said.

“Fifty percent.” The warden insisted.

“Twenty.” Arthur shot.


Arthur hesitated and bites his lip.

“Twenty-five percent and not one single more.” Arthur said.

The warden flashes a big rotten smile and then yells in Arabic. A scimitar slashes the air and the rope is cut. The man crashes to the ground half dead and rolls over gagging. He looks up at Arthur who smiles broadly and waves at him.
Arthur and Francis walked together at Giza port. Teams of explorers swarm the docks and across the Nile the pyramids spike the sky. Arthur and Francis walk along the boardwalk besieged by Hawkers selling everything from toy tombs to King Tut action figures.

“Do you really think he’ll show up?” Arthur asked.

“Undoubtedly, I know the breed.” Francis said in confidence. “He may be a cowboy, but his word is his word.”

“Personally, I think he’s filthy, rude, and a complete scoundrel.” Arthur sniffed. “I don’t like him one bit.”

“Anyone I know?” a familiar voice asked.

The brother turn and the man walks up; shaved, showered, spit clean and polished with a new haircut and clothes. Francis licked his lips while Arthurs jaw dropped slightly.

“Oh…um…hello.” Arthur managed.

Francis grabbed the man’s arm and shook his head.

“Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh?” Francis asked. “We never really caught your name.”

“Alfred F. Jones.” Alfred asked quickly checking his pockets. “And yeah, sure, smashing.”

Arthur recovered slightly and he clears his throat. “Mister Jones. Can you look me in the eye and guarantee me this is not some sort of flimflam? Because if it is, I’m warning you-”

“All I can tell you, sir, is that my colonel found that map in an ancient fortress and the whole damn garrison believed in it so much, that without orders, we marched halfway across Libya and into Egypt to find that city.” Alfred said. “Like I told ya, all I saw was sand. Everybody else was wiped out by Tuareg warriors. I’ll take your bags.”

Alfred took his bags and headed up the gang-plan and into the ship. Arthur’s eyes followed him a bit wistfully as Francis grinned.

“Yes, yes your right, filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel. Nothing to like there at all.” Francis said.

Arthur shot his brother a look however Francis just grinned. The warden from before suddenly brushed past them tipping his raggedy hat.

“A bright morning to all.” he said grinning.

“What are you doing here?” Arthur asked.

“I have come to protect my investment, thank you very much.” The warden said.

As he went up the plank Arthur and Francis shared a look.
In the middle of the night while the ship is sailing across the waters a small boat hits its side gently. Three men carefully climb up the ship and jump across the rail.

Francis and the three hunters on the ship play poker as Alfred comes out of a door carrying a gunny-sack.

“Sit down, Jones, sit down.” Francis said. “We could use another good player.”

“I only gamble with my life, never my money.” Alfred said.

“Never? What if I was to wager five hundred dollars says we get to Hamunaptra before you?” the first hunter, Matthew, asked.

Alfred returned Matthews cocky look.

“Yer on.” Alfred said shaking the others hand.

“What makes you so confident, sir?” the other man, Sadik, asked.

“What makes you?” Alfred asked in return?

“We got us a man who’s actually been there.” the third man, Yao, said.

Alfred felt a tick in his jaw as Francis started to say “what a coincidence, why-”

Alfred pressed his elbow into Francis’ ribs effectively shutting him up.

“Whose deal is it? Is it my deal? I thought I just dealt?” Francis said recovering from his mistake.

Arthur sat on a table staring out over the passing river. The gunny-sack drops onto the table startling him.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya.” Alfred said.

“The only thing that scares me, Mister Jones, are your manners.” Arthur said.

“Still angry that I kissed ya, huh?” Alfred asked opening the bag.

“If you call that a kiss.” Arthur said stiffly.

Alfred reached into the gunny-sack and started to pull out revolvers, pistols, hunting knives, a massive elephant gun, and a half dozen carefully wrapped sticks of dynamite.

“Did I miss something?” Arthur asked, smiling lightly. “Are we going into battle?”

“The last time I was at that place everybody I was with died.” Alfred said.

That takes the smile off of Arthurs face. Alfred starts to dismantle and clean the guns.

“There’s something out there, you know, something under the sand.” Alfred said.

“Yes, I’m hoping to find a certain artifact, a book actually, my brother thinks there’s treasure.” Arthur said. “What do you think is out there?”

Alfred looked Arthur in the eyes.

“Evil. The Tuaregs and the Bedouin believe that Hamunaptra is cursed.” he said. “They call it, ‘the doorway to hell.’”

“I don’t believe in fairy talks and hokum, Mister Jones, but I do believe that one of the most famous books in history is buried out there. The book of the living.” Arthur said. “It’s what first interested me in Egypt as a child. It’s why I came here, sort of a life’s pursuit.”

“And the fact that they say it’s made out of pure gold, makes no difference to you, right?” Alfred asked grinning slightly.

Arthur started in surprise. “You know your history.”

“I know my treasure.” Alfred corrected.

Arthur starts to get up to go and then he hesitates. Slight nervous he turned back to Alfred and as matter of factly as possible asked “By the way…why did you kiss me?”

Alfred still cleaning his guns shrugged and said “I was about to be hanged, seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Arthur’s eyes widen and furious he turned and stormed off. Alfred looks up and watched him leave a bit perplexed.

“What did I say?” he asked the air.

He hears someone snickering under the table. He quickly reached down and grabs a body and lifts him into the air. It’s Raivis.

“My very good friend!” Raivis exclaimed. “What a surprise.”

“Why if it ain’t my little buddy, Raivis.” Alfred said. “I’m going to kill you now.”

“You never were any good with the ladies or the men Jones.” Raivis said swallowing hard.

“So you’re the one leading the others.” Alfred said. “I shoulda figured. So what’s the scam? You get ‘em out in the middle of the desert and then leave ‘em to rot?”

“Unfortunately no, these hunters are smart, they pay me only half now, and half when I get them back to Cairo, so I much go all the way.” Raivis said sadly.

Alfred slowly placed Raivis back on the ground and let’s go off him.

“You never believed in Hamunaptra, Jones.” Raivis said. “Why are you going back? The devil himself lives out there.”

They look as they hear Arthur yelp. A single camel in the horse paddock takes another attempt to bit at him. He yelps again and backs away. Alfred grins as Arthur flees down the deck.

“The guy saved my life, figured it was the least I could do, keep him out of trouble.” Alfred said still looking in the direction Arthur had fled to.

“You always did have more balls than brains.” Raivis said.

Alfred narrows his eyes as he looked back at Raivis.

“Let’s make us even, shall we?” Alfred asked.

“Even?” Raivis asked in slight fear.

Alfred grabbed him and chucked him over the side of the barge. Raivis splashes into the river as Alfred takes his gunny-sack and starts walking off down the deck.

“Jones!” Raivis screamed back up. “I am going to kill you for this!”

“Sounds familiar.” Alfred sighed himself.

He stopped suddenly when he noticed three sets of wet footprints coming up over the railing from the river and heading down the deck.

england, france, latvia, china, canada, turkey, crossover, america, aph, fic

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