sorry for the delay, my computer decided to be uncooperative.
Here's a list of the entries, please vote by letter.
We have 6 beautiful fanarts:
Fanart A Fanart B Fanart C Fanart D Fanart E Fanart F And 14 wonderful fanfictions
Fanfiction A Fanfiction B Fanfiction C Fanfiction D Fanfiction E Fanfiction F Fanfiction G Fanfiction H Fanfiction I Fanfiction J Fanfiction K Fanfiction L Fanfiction M Fanfiction N Voting should be based on the following:
1. Portrayal of Ed/Winry
2. Composition (i.e., do you think the artist did a good job portraying the subject matter?)
3. Use of prompt
4. Content of illustration (i.e., is it pleasing? Balanced? The colors convey what you think the artist is wanting you to see?)
1. Portrayal of Ed/Winry
2. Composition (i.e., use of English language, sentence structure, etc.)
3. Use of prompt
4. Content of story (i.e., are the characters "in-character"? Does the storyline make sense?)
Note: Prompts are the subject line and the cut text of each entry
Please vote for only two in each category (art/fic). All comments to this entry are screened, which means this post is where you vote. Anonymous comments are allowed, however, I do IP tracking on, so no stuffing ballets, plzkthx.
You have until Saturday, January 9th at midnight PDST(GMT-7,) {which is the time of the live streaming of the next episode of Brotherhood, if that helps clear up confusion}
What are you waiting for? Go vote!
Also, comments to all entries have been screened to help keep authors/artists anonymous. If you'd like to comment anonymously I will unscreen anonymous comments. If you spot a typo in your entry and want me to fix it, just drop me a line.