Graduation is SRS BZNS.

May 12, 2010 15:38

EDIT: Unrelated, but omg, there's only two more Space Shuttle missions before it ends. ;A; This makes me sad. This program has been running for longer than I've been alive!

Dude. Graduation is so COMPLICATED. @_@; I have all these lunches/dinners I have to attend, as well as fixing end-of-college things like making sure that anything sent to my ( Read more... )

graduation, school, current events, life

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Comments 10

celestriad May 13 2010, 00:10:12 UTC
haha, i've had to wear the weird master's robe before, and i was astonished to find out that was how they looked when i put mine on. :P at least the hood looks decently cool, though.


firebird_88 May 15 2010, 07:13:02 UTC
Hahahaha true, the hood looks neat. The robe sleeves are really weird though, are Ph.D robes like that? o.o


celestriad May 16 2010, 03:36:19 UTC
doesn't look like it. i wonder why they added those weird sleeves to master's robes, anyway...


envirion May 14 2010, 04:13:09 UTC
I hear they're going back to capsules. :/ *sigh* I'm on the fence with the space program. On one hand, I think it's really cool and inspiring. On the other, I think we have more important things to worry/spend government money about.

I think you'll be fine. :3 At this point, there's not much you can do to change anything until you know the score, right? So there's no reason to worry about it. Just plan a contingency plan "just in case".
I can't imagine feeling so nervous. ^^;; (By the time I got my bachelor's I was so tired of school, I just wanted to graduate and get out and didn't really care.)


firebird_88 May 15 2010, 07:16:19 UTC
I don't know, as a scientist, I know what it feels like to be kind of shunned as "do we need that right now"? I don't think knowledge is ever a bad thing, and I'm sure the people at NASA just want to know... because they CAN, not because there is really any particular reason to outside the fact that they're curious. You know?

Yeah, thank you! :) (Ahahahaha That's me right now, too. xD Don't worry, I just want to get out!)


envirion May 18 2010, 00:41:58 UTC
The scientists at NASA, perhaps, but I hear (from my co-worker who used to work at NASA) that all engineering at NASA is sub-contracted out and all they do is administrate. Also, that programs only have a 50% chance of completion. o__O I don't think I'd mind so much if knowledge was actually gained... :d

BTW, have you heard of the Voyager 2 alien hijack theorists? LOL I love those guys. xD


kartos May 14 2010, 15:00:56 UTC
well, good luck! I know at my school, if you only had a few credits left and planned to stay on for summer classes to graduate, they let you walk at graduation with all your classmates... you just didn't get your real diploma during the ceremony. if anyone did? i can't remember


firebird_88 May 15 2010, 07:14:50 UTC
Yep, they do that at my university too. :) The walking with my class would've been nice regardless if I got the diploma (although the diploma would've made it that much sweeter). I think the real diplomas are given out around then, though haha.

HOWEVER, I did pass everything! :DDD *dances* Thanks!


demiincarnate May 15 2010, 21:23:28 UTC
Graduation times are so weird. There's all these winding-down ceremonies. and lol @ robes
For what it's worth I have faith in you. KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON


epiic June 3 2010, 23:27:22 UTC
That sucks. I was a tiny bit under the technical requirement to be "with honors" and then was surprised when they seem to have decided to round up and count me as it anyway. (though I may have been ~0.08 or so under rather than a full 0.1)

But, otherwise late congratulations
(catching up on LJ)


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