[35% filter, only because he thinks it'd be weird to clutter the journal with it.]
Hey Fire-Fist. Come flying with me today, I want to check out that ocean.
[Rethinking it, maybe he should have invited someone who could swim, but screw it. He has no intentions of falling in no matter what. Having Ace with him will just double that resolve.]
[The rest of Luceti has 3 options on where to find Marco. For the past week leading up to the 6th, he can be found at the library, sporting a decorative pair of glasses that do absolutely nothing. And of course "shopping" for foods and the like. It's a small convenience having fresh groceries, every day, without fail. Shopping for a 1600 man crew that was out at sea for weeks maybe even months at a time meant that "fresh" was a pretty relative term. In any case, he intends to make the most of it. Might as well.
On the night of the 6th, he can be found on various rooftops drinking. Normally this would be a solo affair, but given pirates, it has the propensity to get rowdy and throw bottles.
There's also this post made on the 7th. Written and then repeated in voice.]
How old is "too old"? And for what? Also Iroh, if you're still around, you owe me a game of Mahjong. I've got green tea. Eh, I'll extend that invitation to anyone interested.