Relationships and Equipment in Scorched

May 18, 2011 05:36

People in Anatole who are important to Riza for one reason or another, in no real particular order:

Roy Mustang
She has known him for over ten years and he is, without question, the most important person in her life. When they were young, he studied under her father. After her father's death, she shared with Roy the knowledge of flame alchemy which her father had entrusted to her. She dedicated herself to him and his dreams of a better world when she was still a young girl and has never once looked back, despite suffering and dirtying her hands in an effort to protect him. She isn't sentimental about it, but his safety comes first and all other concerns are second.

A man from her own world, but from a different time. Despite the fact that he doesn't remember helping her to bring Colonel Mustang back from the brink in the incident with Envy, she still retains feelings of gratitude to him for this act. It may not have been exactly him, but she can see the man she knew in him. She can see what he is capable of becoming and she respects him.

Mei Chan
Saved Riza's life just before Riza showed up in Anatole. She feels indebted to the little girl for that even though (like everyone else from their world) Mei doesn't remember doing it.

She seems to know how to push Riza's buttons, which does not make the Lieutenant particularly happy. The woman's arrogance and abrasive personality set Riza's teeth on edge. After getting in a physical fight with her, Riza gained some respect for her abilities, but remains largely at odds with Cara's principles.

Her idealism reminds Riza of the Colonel. Her persistence drives Riza a little crazy, but she cares very much for Utena and wants to protect her even if she insists she doesn't need it.

Leader of the patrol and Riza's direct superior in that Riza acts as her aide and personal assistant. She respects Priscilla very much for creating the patrol and beyond that has an affection for the girl herself.

Rebecca Chambers

Jason Todd
Reminds her a little of Breda. She rather likes him and is comfortable enough around him to joke a bit.

Kaien Shiba

Heine Rammsteiner

Sakura Haruno


Nina Fortner

They were patrol partners for a while.

Johan Andersen

Naruto Uzumaki

Jim Standfast


Sayu Yagami
A sweet girl who reminded Riza of something she lost a long time ago. She disappeared shortly after arriving. Riza hasn't quite gotten over her inability to protect her.

This meme can be turned to for essays further information on some of the characters she's acquainted with.

And her weaponry and other items.

Smith & Wesson Model 19-5: A six-shot double action revolver she got from Berend's Found Goods shop in exchange for all the ammunition and excess holsters she was carrying when she arrived in Anatole. Fires .357 cartridge. Almost always carried in the left side of her shoulder holster under her jacket.

Browning Hi-power: The MK1, a 9mm military issue single action semiautomatic handgun with a 13-round magazine that she bought from the found goods store. Usually carried in the right side of her shoulder holster.

"Wolfbane" Revolver: Seems to be a modified Montenegrin Gasser 1870 revolver. 11.2mm and holds five rounds. Purchased in Dismas for the purpose of "defending" against werewolves.

Custom Bolt-Action Rifle: A gift from Roy Mustang, given shortly after the whole auction debacle. It's pretty much an ideal rifle for her, well-balanced and finely crafted for accuracy as well as elegance. Has since been outfitted with a strap so that it can be worn across her back while on patrol. It is a very fine gun by any standard, and it means that much more to her because of the person who gave it to her.

Browning Hi-Power: 9mm semi-automatic handgun she lent to Edward when he stayed behind to fight Gluttony and was subsequently swallowed. Edward returned it to her upon his arrival in Anatole.

Shoulder Holster: Leather shoulder straps that cross in the back and feature a holster clipped beneath each arm. Holsters accommodate any regular sized handgun.

Thigh Holster: Leather holster strapped to the upper leg. Used when she wears a skirt because it is easily concealable (as opposed to the shoulder holster) and keeps weapon within convenient reach.

Pearl Earrings: Opalescent champagne pearl stud earrings. Found in a drawer when she was cleaning out the house after her father's death. She never takes them out. One of a very short list of possessions with great significance to her, and one of her personal symbols. Like the tattoo is her father and the burn scars are Roy Mustang, the earrings are her mostly forgotten mother and lost childhood.

Butterfly in a Jar: A gift from Dawn, given to her while she was still in the clinic recovering from the Kyuubi's attack. The butterfly is an invention of the Tunnelmen it seems, and reacts to sound, fluttering in its ornate jar. She keeps it on her desk now, near the window, and it is one of the only decorations in her room. It has meaning for her, too, reminding her that there is something to live for even when things seem hopeless.

Flame Locket: A gift from Scar, given to her after she returned home from the clinic with a broken arm and various other injuries from the Kyuubi. She wears it almost all the time, though it is sometimes under her clothes due to the high-collared nature of her shirts. It is an object of significance to her, holding many meanings, not the least of which being that there are people who care about her in this world. Some of them in the unlikeliest places.

Although it is a locket, the space inside made to house a photograph is still empty.

Vase: It's just a vase. The significance is that it was a gift from Lieutenant Colonel Hughes and that she has never owned a vase before. It's usually empty and sits on the counter in her little kitchen area. On the rare occasion she does have flowers in it. it sits on the mantle or the table.

scorched, relationships, equipment

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