peas sure sound nice....
shopping at dr. tongue's...boy got SO MANY turtles figures. comic book shopping. pizza. more dr.tongue's shopping. nap. purgatory. home. blowjob. fabulous sex!! lots of amazing kisses. sleep.
last night jeremy and i went to purgatory to support our friend breana's performance group. after hearing that it was a fetish party type thing i had no desire to go. i find those things quite silly most of the time. if you are into it, fine. just not really my thing. i still wanted to support my friend, so off we went. driving by...wanted to leave. actually walking into the place....wanted to leave even more so than before. ran into some friends, chatted a bit, listened to the dj spin everything from wax trax circa 1989, but mostly just wanted to leave.
it was time for the performance. found myself a nice spot against the wall so i could watch breana and get a nice view of the show. there were 3 people being suspended in fetal positions. sounding very neat indeed. as the chains started to lift them off the ground, i got a sudden swelling in my belly. a rush through my entire body. my knees were weak. the moment and experience was so intense. i felt like the only one in the room. it was quite indescribable. then, i'm not sure if the rope broke, or if a hook ripped through this girls flesh, but i lost it. i was suddenly sick. the sight of her grabbing the rope to save her fall, or the blood rushing down her legs i'm not sure....i couldn't take it anymore. i almost got sick all over the person in front of me. i met the boy outside of the room, i almost fell over, and started crying. after a walk outside in the fresh air, i started to feel a bit better. the nausea feeling never really left until it was almost time for bed.
in my memory, what i did see, was beautiful.
"it's not like the movies lady"