May 20, 2007 19:05

This is the post where you can check out the FAQ or the RULES. This is where you want to come if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. Most comments in this community are screened so if you ask something in one of the, I'm not going to answer. This will unscreen the comment. So come and ask here. There's a handy link to this post in the profile for easy access without having to search for it.



For Contestants

* First off, go sign up. Sign ups go right up until the first challenge starts. Once the first challenge is posted, no new sign ups will be allowed until a new round starts.
* This is for Firefly fic. Just saying.
* Each drabble must be 100 words. No more or no less. It's part of the challenge.
* All drabble entries must remain annoymous. Meaning you can not post these drabbles anywhere else until the round is over. Once the round is over and winners announced, feel free to post wherever you want.
* Entries are to be posted as a comment to the challenge post. All comments will be screened, please make sure that you're posting under the name you signed up with.
* Drabbles should be kept to a light R rating out of respect to players/voters who don't want to read hardcore smut.
* You must enter every challenge until you are either voted off or win. There is, of course, an excpetion to this. Everyone is allowed to skip one challenge and only one. If you do get your drabble in on time, if you forget or can't, and you've already used your skip, you will be disqualified. So use this skip wisely.
* There is also an exception to the above rule. Skips can be used in every round except for the last two. You must write a drabble to be voted into the last round. Likewise, you must write a drabble to win.

For Voters

* Everyone is free to come vote, you don't need to be a player, you don't even need to join the community.
* Voters will be voting for their two weakest drabbles and their one strongest.
* The voting works like this: Drabble # 3 gets five for the weakest votes ( - ) and two for the strongest votes ( + ). The total for that drabble would be - 3. The two drabbles with the most negative votes will not be advancing on to the next challenge.
* When you vote you must give at least one reason why you voted for or against that drabble. This can not be a personal reason. Ie, "I voted this one out because I don't like Jayne/River."
* All votes will be screened. If a player wants to see their comments, they can ask in the post where the winners are announced.

General Rules

* Keep things civil. If you can't handle critism or being voted off, then don't join.
* I can't think of anything else right now. Always feel free to ask if you're unclear on something.



Do drabbles need to have titles?


This type of competition only works if people enter exactly one drabble per challenge; will you be taking the first drabble entered by a participant (ie. don't enter the drabble unless we're 100% sure it's good and done) or the most recent drabble entered (ie. if we find a mistake or want to make some changes or write an entirely different drabble, we can leave another entry that will supersede any that come before it as long as it's in before the challenge closes)?

I'll take the most recent drabble. So if you make a mistake or write something you think is better, feel free to delete the old drabble and post the new one.

Is there a limit on the rating?

Try to keep it to no higher than a light R.

Do I need to join to be able to vote?

No. You don't need to be writing in order to vote. Everyone can vote! So tell people to come and do that.
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