- It is very very difficult to turn off the computer and go to bed when
Pandora is playing your favorite songs. It was playing a terrible selection of songs an hour ago, but now
that it's 10:30... WTH. MUST SLEEP DAMMIT.
- Weather in Wisconsin is ruled by a cruel and terrible god. Said deity (of indeterminate gender) spent all last week lulling us into a false sense of security with balmy above-freezing weather, convincing us that Puxatawney Phil had finally gone off his nut, only to slam us with freezing temperatures and four inches of snow yesterday. Curse you, Weatherfiend! We shall have Spring despite your wiles, I say!
- Went out Friday night and saw "Coraline" with friends. I really liked it. It had all the virtues of a Tim Burton movie (yes, I know he had nothing to do with it - bear with me), without any of the odd disconnects or jarring art decisions that so often mar puppet work. Also, the characters (for the most part) blissfully refrained from bursting into song at every conceivable opportunity. For the most part, they did so only if a) it was appropriate to the plot and b)they were obviously on-stage and/or performing as musicians. If this HAD been a Burton movie, I can tell you every single point at which he would have inserted an annoying musical number: Coraline and Whybo's introduction. The introduction of the Parents. The two aging film grannies (and dogs). The shopping trip. The Ghost children. The big scary end scene. And so forth. I can't tell you how goddamn tired I am of EVERY "kid's movie/cartoon" having characters randomly burst into song for no goddamn reason. I have traumatic experiences from Grade School because I thought this stuff happened in Real Life. Mockery was involved. I don't want to talk about it. Anyway. Coraline was delightfully saccharine-free. Also, GIANT PRAYING MANTIS HARVESTER-COPTER ENGINE. OMG. Can has?
- I've given up my weekly Day Of Rest and am - at least temporarily - working three days a week at Fil~(as well as four at T~). This is because they want to get a working build out by next week and have a TON of art assets in the queue. Everyone there is working Programmer's hours in a last desperate lunge to get everything together in time for the Presentation. It's crazy but fun. R~. (the new illustrator) and I have struck up an odd friendship. We go out to lunch together and chatter up a storm.
- The downside of this is that I *REALLY* need to do laundry. Like, now. Thank the Gods Witts End has a built-in dishwasher or the squalor would be unimaginable.
Jonathan Coulton is playing at the Barrymore on the 26th. OMG SQUEE. Can I overcome my natural disinclination to go outside and into large crowded venues to see someone that awesome? TIME WILL TELL.