Thanksgiving is a wholly fictional holiday, trumped up in the 'twenties to justify a marketing bonanza - Thus, it's always a little disconcerting when it
lines up true with a genuine seasonal event.
We had our first real snow of the season last night - thick and wet, three inches of it clustered over the cars and verges and heaped high on black branches when I looked out this morning. The roads were slick and wet with ice, though it's mostly sloughed off now. So, overnight the seasons changed, from rainy weather to snowy.
So, this morning I bundled myself together and went out in it to get a few last things for Thanksgiving dinner (and the rest of the week). I'd noted earlier in the week that our local corner grocer (the Jenifer Street Market) was open at 7:30 am, so I knew right where to go. Stepping outside onto the ice-slick pavement was terrifying. The car was thick with a layer of snow and a layer of ice - I almost couldn't open the doors - so I put in the keys to let the car warm up and went back upstairs for the broom.
I dusted the car off thoroughly and tucked the broom out of sight inside the apartment building's little front hall. By then, the ice was slushy enough that the wipers could handle it, so off I went to the store.
JSM is a lovely, friendly place, lots of local and organic stuff alongside the basics. Their only drawback is that they don't take plastic of any sort, so if you're short, they have a little ATM inside the door for you. I love them anyway. I picked up a $3.99 bottle of wine, milk, rice, and a few other things, and headed home. I parked the car, picked up my groceries, collected my broom on the way in, and stopped.
Here I was, walking into my apartment, with groceries in one hand and a bright red-handled broom in the other.
And, dammit, Joseph wasn't awake to see it.
Another great comedic moment of my life totally wasted.