Dear Person-who-I-sorta-vaguely-remember-from-Highschool,
You're a nice person. That said, please don't send me junk mail. Especially mysterious attachments that you don't know what they do. I have *NO* interest in risking my computer's memory eating itself alive so it can randomly say funny chinese proverbs or whatever.
Just, just stop. Please. I'm always happy to hear when you - you, personally - have something cool and interesting to say. Forwarding me random funny-dog pictures, lists of recycled-racist jokes with 'Republican' pasted into the offending slots, or the latest out-of-date petition is neither cool nor interesting. It's not something you made, or wrote. It's not something you have any investment in. You cut and pasted. That's not exactly original thinking. I learned tangible cut-and-paste methods in Kindergarten, making macaroni sculptures for my mom's fridge. Cut-and-pasting on the computer is even easier to do, and the end results are, somewhow, even less aesthetic, though given my macaroni talents, I'm not even sure that's possible.
Want to send me a computer program? Write one.
A funny-cat picture? Snap one of YOUR cat.
A long, ranty opinionated monologue? Awesome, if it's YOURS.
Sometimes, being friends with someone means encouraging them in their base talents. I want to encourage you. I want you to create, write, code, draw, go, do. Get out there and experience the world. Send me awesome things you've done, descriptions of things you've seen, pictures of where you've been.
Your friend,
Yes, yes, I'll finish getting the remainder of my Xmas and New Years adventures up, and backdated to before this entry soon. I have them all written down, just a matter of typing them in. )