Just a rant, feel free to skip over.

Aug 14, 2006 00:06

I have a problem with the whole gay pride thing, or at least, with gay pride in Canada. My understanding of gay pride, is not being proud of the fact that you're gay/bisexual/transgendered, but that you're proud of being able to come out as being gay, in a society that deems it very much frowned upon. When the gay movement really started up during the late 70's with the Stonewall Riots, gay pride was about being able to look society in the eye, and tell them that not only are you gay, but that you're not ashamed of it, and that you're not going to be leaving any time soon. And that's fine. The gay rights movement as done amazing things for equal rights for gays and bisexuals in the past 30-35 years. I mean, hell, gay marriage is legal now in Canada, which is something that I'm sure was nigh unimaginable 30 years ago.

What I really have an issue with, is that people are taking gay pride in Canada much further than is necessary. No, not everyone accepts us, but when you think about it, that's the same for any minority, really. There's still racist people who hate blacks. There's still people who degrade women. There's people who will refuse to hire someone just because of their religion. Thinking that it's anywhere near possible for everyone in Canada to accept GLBT people is a pipe dream. Right now, Canada is at a point where pressing equal rights for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals is more-or-less a moot point, because we do have them.

Now, I do understand that churches still have the right to deny gays and lesbians to marry, if the preist deems it immoral for some reason, and that seems to be upsetting qutie a large number of people. Think about this though: They have that right for any couple that wants to be married, homosexual or heterosexual. Are some of these preists biggots? I'm sure that some are. But to say that all preists must marry any gay couple that comes up to them, isn't asking for equality, it's asking for a special privilege.

As far as the gay pride parades go, I don't like them. I've never been to one, and I don't intend on going to one. This is one of the main aspects of gay pride that shouts that they're proud of being gay. Again, this just shows that the meaning of "Gay Pride" is completely lost, or at least, changed. Being proud of being gay is just like saying that you're proud of being straight, or being proud of liking cheese. And I don't see any "Cheese-Eater Pride" parades around, do you? Now, I'm not saying that you should be ashamed of being gay, straight, or bisexual if you are. Be proud of who you are as a person, and come to terms with the fact that what you are isn't wrong, but for fuck's sake, don't overdo it.

Lastly: PDA. That's right, public displays of affection. This is mainly pointing at gay couples who seem to feel that they should be given the right to make out, grope, and otherwise sexually stimulate your partner in public. Many of these people, when told by a bystander to stop, call the bystander a homophobe, and whatever other names. First off, let me just explain that, yeah, they may be a homophobe, but personally, I'm uncomfortable standing next to a gay couple making out in public, just as much as a straight couple making out in public. Sexually stimulating your partner is something that should be done behind closed doors, in the sanctity of your own home, not in the middle of the park, or an elevator, or the mall. That's just fucking gross as far as I'm concerned.
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