First world problems, Or fighting bad customer service

Nov 20, 2011 15:52

It started with a pie and an App.

We don't know what will become of the pie situation because I'm waiting to hear back from Mrs. Smith's customer service. Short version: sloppy quality control ended up at the bottom of my oven.

The App. Swackett. It's a weather app using the portmanteau(if you can call it that) of sweater, coat or jacket that lets you know what to wear. Oh, and the weather for your area. It sounded cool. I have no iPad app control so I downloaded it and tried using it right away.

It should have been simple. It gave me the weather and all but didn't display the outerwear advice. I deleted and re-downloaded it. Nothing changed. I tried everything within the app and finally went to the company website. Apart from opening links in new windows(biggest productivity killer EVAR), the support page was bare. Most of their focus was on the app for MACs and there was a scant forum where people suggested features and the like. Nothing on the iPhone/iPad app. No how-to or walk-through.

I sent in a support inquiry. Then I had Guy download it for his iPod touch. Surprise, surprise it worked for him. Raging, I tried to fiddle with the damn thing again, determined not to be bested. And guess what, it suddenly fixed itself when I switched settings on the iPad. There was no help page on the app(and even if there was, I'd bet it'd be on the parts of the app I was locked out of).

Swackett and co. got back to me with this:

The answers to questions like this one are found on our support web site -- which IS our HELP/HOW-TO library. The link to our HELP/HOW-TO library is featured in all of our apps -- and is one every page of our web site.

Regarding your issue:

We made a conscience decision to present different types of weather information using the iPhone's different orientations. We simply couldn't figure out a way to fit all of our presentations into a single orientation and keep the app easy to use. But we continue to work on this.

Our apps have been downloaded more than 1 million times -- and this issue of orientation lock has been raised by 4 or 5 people, including yourself -- though all of the others typically have their orientations locked in portrait mode. Your report in unique.

That said -- even though the number of people affected by this issue is less than 1% of our user base -- you have made a very valid point -- and we continue to work to try to solve this.

There is good news -- we've got some ideas in the works. Your contacting us will help fuel ideas to solve it."

swackett Product Manager

Hmm. I searched every part of their shitty support page.  I Googled it. And just because only 1% of the users had a problem doesn't mean that's okay. It felt condescending as hell that part of "scotto's" reply.

Also, they need to proofread their responses.

Bottom line, if you know there's a problem or issue with your product, address it or adequately notify your consumers.  That's pretty fucking simple.

*This isn't over. I'm being persistent on Twitter.


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