Hello Everybody, it's Andrew again. Hannah wanted me to let you all know that she is ok. She's just been busy with school work and various other issues. She wishes you all her best and hopes to be back soon.
Hey baby! I miss you so much!! I haven't heard from you in forever. I tried calling your house several times over the past few months but then I talked to Summer who explained your situation somewhat. I still wanted to write and let you know you're constantly on my mind, and that sometimes I wish to talk to you so bad it hurts. You were always the good influence in my life that kept me from veering too far in one direction. There's avtually a guy in my life keeping me straight now. He's incredible. I don't know how far life will allow me to keep him, but he's good for me nonetheless. Anyways, I'll keep you in my prayers and in my every day thoughts. I don't really expect you to remember me if you ever do return, but just remember I still love you like my "twin sister" that you are :-P ....... Keriann Dominique
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