Now I know what I was missing in the last couple episodes.
God, I love Locke. I miss him every time he's not in an episode. And he's back to his awesome, slightly creepy, knows stuff about the island self.
Ok, but I think I must have missed something, because how exactly did Locke know where the monster would be and that they had to go under the temple?? Is that where the monster pulled Danielle's crew underground and did Locke find the one guy's arm there sometime in the future? I really forget that part. Totally not clear on how Locke knows exactly where to go. But I did love his snark at Ben about "now you know what it was like to be me". Hee!
Also, do I believe Ben when he tells Sun he didn't know Locke would come back to life, or do I believe him when he tells Locke that he expected it to happen? I really don't know. Pessimistically, I'm leaning towards him not knowing it was going to happen and fully expecting to kill Locke for good. But then again, I just don't think he would have actually wanted to kill Locke. Throughout the show he seems to have been enjoying fucking with Locke's head too much. And I really don't think he believes that the island would have wanted him to kill Locke. He may be super jealous of Locke's connection with the island, but even he recognizes it and knows that Locke is special.
God, I love Locke's quirky enigmatic smile.
Oooo, I wonder if Desmond is the one who beat the shit out of Ben! Now that would be awesome.