I finally saw Zombieland and it was gooooood. Yay! :) I laughed through the whole thing. I kind of really needed that. Life has been more than a little stressful lately, so it was nice to actually go out and do something fun without feeling guilty about it!
For those of you who've already seen it,
1. The big cameo was hilarious and totally random. Loved it.
2. I completely missed that the pancakes were cat-shaped. People told me afterwards and it made that scene 100x funnier. I don't know why I find cat-shaped pancakes hilarious, but I do.
3. I didn't know that Woody Harrelson was so freaking wiry. I knew he was funny though...plz to be in more movies? Kthx.
These aren't really spoilers at all, but I figured why not cut. Some people are sensitive about stuff like that.