it's been months since i wrote anything here and it pains me so much - so many years - but who am i kidding.
no one's here anymore, fandom has moved away too, if not died (i miss irc).
and i'm
here now and yes, that's it.
tumblr is awful, though, because it's so badly organised.
Comments 2
..and i was following a certain jackson-whittemore thinking it was u all this time ^^;
i dont get tumblr.. haven't figured it out how to reply to posts (which is kinda good - can u imagine the surprise of this jackson-whittemore being called wife all of a sudden)
me and jackson-whittemore know each other ;)
and tumblr is awful when it comes to organising - you can't select just text posts, for example,unless you know how someone tags them. i miss lj so fucking much but i've been stuck there and everything is there now, sigh.
you can reply to posts only from your dashboard, not when you go to someone's blog. which mean if you don't see the post you want to reply to as it's posted - you can't.
lol, tumblr.
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