Title: Dork Alert!
Author: Fireness
Beta: None
Characters (Pairings): Morgan and Reid (M/R)
Rating: PG-13 for inexplicit sexual situations
Warning(s): slash, major dorkiness
Spoilers: None
Summary: Reid wants Morgan to go out with him...
Word Count: 306
Author’s Notes: Yes, my boyfriend took me to see the Star Trek movie on opening night. No, neither of us are Trekkies. No, not very many people were dressed up (that I saw, anyway).
Disclaimer: Criminal Minds does not belong to me. Nor do Klingons, Vulcans, or Captain Kirk.
“Why not?”
“Because I said so.”
“Oh, come on, it’s just a movie!”
“There are gonna be people dressed up, aren’t there?”
“Well…yes, probably; it’s opening night, after all. But that doesn’t mean you have to.”
“Are you gonna dress up?”
“I…well, that is, I thought…not if you don’t want me to, I suppose. If it means you’ll go with me.”
Morgan rubs his eyes in frustration. “Let me guess, full Klingon makeup?”
“No! I’m not that much of a dork.”
“Ha! Tell me another. Okay, no Klingons…Kirk’s uniform?”
“Vulcan ears and eyebrows?”
“Oh, please tell me you’re joking.”
“What? I swear I won’t wear them if you promise to come with me. Please?”
Morgan can feel his strength slipping; he never can resist those damn pleading eyes. “You won’t dress up?”
“I swear.”
“And you won’t say a word throughout the entire movie?”
“I won’t.”
“And we’ll have sex immediately when we come home? Before you even so much as think about blogging your reaction and cataloguing the mistakes and whatever else you’re planning on doing the moment you have a spare moment?”
Reid pauses. “I promised Garcia, since she can’t go see it until tomorrow…”
“Oh, well. Have fun seeing it by yourself, then.”
“Alright, alright! Fine. I won’t so much as turn on my computer until you’ve had your glorious orgasm. Should only take a couple of min- Ow!”
“That was a low blow, kid. Just for that, I’m hiding your ears. Or maybe I’ll find an alternate use for them.”
“Like what?”
“I dunno yet, but I’m sure I can come up with something. Think anyone’s ever used Vulcan ears as a sex aid before?”
“…You are so twisted. I hope Leonard Nimoy hunts you down and kicks your ass.”
“Live long and prosper?”
“Just get in the car.”