
Aug 19, 2006 13:29

Finally back in Canada, and however much I loved Germany, Canada is so nice to come back to.
I'm still not completely adjusted, but then again, I had spent the last forty or so hours awake, and yeah.
my contacts were like rubber.

and the difference between countries in my befuddled state was even more apparent with gigantic man-eating cars, great ten-village big sprawling suburbs and heat. too much heat and humidity.

after being on a plane for nine hours (it wasn't too bad, watching three movies I liked, so the time flew by *smacks head* and since my daddy was so very uncomfortable flying coach, we all got upgraded to first class, which I really, really, really liked. :)) and this being the opening weekend for snakes on a plane, my sister and I had to celebrate this day, (or rather, this was yesterday, I'm still a wee bit confused...i think my brain has turned to mush) by the first thing we do back in Canada is going to a movie theater and seeing Snakes on a Plane.

For some reason I kinda flipped out with the movie (there were so many damned snakes) but I just enjoyed the experience. lol, snakes on a plane, I'm never getting over that. :)

anyway, now today is the day for me to repack, try to smack some sense into my brain, and get reacquainted with EST, :) as well as my tv.

What I take from Germany?
ugg... too much to say all at once, highlights are...
Friends! Family!!! (-omg, i have family!!!!!!!) alcoholic ice-cream, small villages, cobble-streets, clay shingles, speed limits for tanks, fast and efficient trains and buses, super-mario, and supercute mario baby (ich liebe yoshi!), venison, chocolate, my first taste of beer (well, it's a mix of sprite and beer, but I can't spell it, tastes better then regular dark beer in anycase), late nights and early mornings, skodas (i wants one), german soap operas, the best cheese in the world, the autobahn, waterpark, mole-skin notebooks, paint brushes, H&M, 'a-lo!', and can't think of anything else, but the slightest provocation might spew a greater list. ^-^
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