Hola. This journal is not exactly "friends-only," but sorta kinda "friends-mostly." I post most entries publicly, but then go back and f-lock them after a week or so.
If you came for PotC fanfic (which is on hiatus, but I'm sure I'll be writing more sooner or later) and don't want all the other stuff (politics, fandom-ish things, general writing, massive randomosity) I post about, you're better off friending
firesigned. There's nothing there at the moment, but it's where I'll post all finished fanfics, and nothing but those. (That means I won't post any WIP or teaser-snippets of future stories there. Whether that's a plus or a minus is your call.) If you want previously written PotC fanfics (including a few WIP)
here is probably the most current batch. I do keep them in
my memories, but they're mostly or entirely friends-locked now.
If you think you might wanna get to know me, rather than (just) my fanfic writing, I suggest
glancing at my userinfo and skimming the public entries for a bit to see if they're the sort you have any interest in. If you think they are you're quite welcome to friend this journal; I'll add you back as soon as I notice you there. (Commenting somewhere to say hi will likely speed that up.)
If I friended you without warning -- hi! No need to add me back unless it suits you. I added you because I wanna keep watch on you for a bit for some reason or other (politics, fandom and astrology are the leading indicators); that doesn't mean I expect the interest to be reciprocal.
Finally, "firesignwriter" comes from two major elements of who I am: a fire sign (Aries) and a writer. The writer thing comes with plenty of mood swings, flashes of ego and doubt, stress, exhilaration, snips of quality work and snips of severely misguided drivel that you should spork your eyes out before reading. The fire sign thing brings a number of passionate opinions, a fleeting attention span, a bit of sporadic ferocity and occasionally some non-destructive, toasty warmth. Don't expect rock-solid consistency. This journal goes through obsessively focused and wildly haphazard periods, morbidly serious and ridiculously not. And sometimes I really don't know when to say "enough" with the adjectives. Just so's you know.