My thoughts on Twilight

Jan 11, 2009 14:06

I need to know what all the fuss is about when it comes to Twilight. Thus being the inquisitive person that I am I decided to see the movie and read the book. I say book because I have no interest after reading the first in ever touching the others. I just cannot understand what draws so many into these books.

The writing was only so-so and the story line has been done a million times over that I cannot see why everyone praises it on originality. I heard said that Stephenie Meyer brought new concepts to Vampire lure. Where were the new concepts I ask did I miss them as I gagged during the cheesy dialogue. I've seen everything she wrote on vampire lure in other novels. I've read many vampire novels and all the same concepts have been covered. The whole vampires who decide to drink only the blood of animals has been done (Supernatural season 2 and Shattered Mirror by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes). Vampires that can walk in the daylight done (Vampire Diaries by: L.J. Smith and there are others). Vampires inheriting different powers done(Vampire Chronicles by: Anne Rice). The only thing these vamps have that I haven't read or seen before is the whole sparkling in sunlight (WTF is with that anyway. I was expecting something else when he said he wanted her to see what he truly looked like). The dialogue made me think "cheesetastic". Maybe I just haven't got it yet. I'd love for some opinions on the phenomenon because I just don't get it. I felt like my eye balls would bleed out of my skull after the trauma of Twilight. No offense intended to any who have enjoyed this series this is but my opinion. I was hoping that I had found a series that would capture my imagination as Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings series had. I'll say one thing the movie kept me quite amused. I spent the whole time laughing at the cheesyness.


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