I got home about 1:30 am last night, after dropping off Xzion in Belleville, and Shadowspawn near Peterborough.
The weather was great, the trip there & back was good too.
-- First i will suggest that those who did not make it to Anthrofest 2006...
The convention was a great time and you all should try to attend next year !
The convention itsself was an awsome success ! ! especially because it was their first. Like all conventions on their premiere first one, there are usually bugs, problems, and some kaos, but with Anthrofest there was very litte concidering its their first one and the initial bugs over the last couple of months they had getting ready for it. I really enjoyed this convention very , very much indeed.
The Hotel was good, it was located in downtown Montreal, near lots of stores, resturaunts, etc. It was easy to find aswell from the main highways & routes into Montreal. The Hotel layout was good aswell, the common room, (dance room and ceremonies) Dealers room, Art shows, Registration , Headless lounge, hotel resturaunt, lobby, and washrooms were all within a fiew steps of each other. Other rooms including the classroom, ( panels) Games room, movie room, etc were within a couple of floors away. ( wich were not a big problem as the elevators worked well.) The hotel staff was friendly and polite, and hotel was a nice place overall. ( though they need better parking.. :P )
The attendance was awsome aswell, it hit exactly 100 ! nearly double the expected number.
It was awsome to see many fimilliar faces and friends, including Prplhaze, Babytiger, Cnipur, Viper, Arctic Wolf, Niall, HollyAnn, MaxBlackrabbit, Aurora, DanRacoon, Poop, Strongpaw, Loopy, WolfLynx, Shadowspawn, RailRide, Firebreath, and the list goes on. Also it was awsome to meet new faces & Friends, including Xzion, Tamas, Jimi, Rethnok, NobleWolf, Bleis, Kildoo Lonewolf, WildWolf, Wind-Growler, Talmak, Don Karnage, Familliar, trixyloupwolf, and the list goes on !
I snapped probally over 250 photos throughout the convention. I copied the photos to a CD for the staff of Anthrofest to pick thorugh and display the ones thay like. ( will be online at their site & forum soon here:
http://www.anthrofest.org/index.php )
As fro my sales in the Art show & dealer's room they went extremely well ! I sold out of the Wolves Rule & Dragons Rule T-Shirts, almost sold out of the wall clocks, prints, & keychains. Also sold out of about 40 % of the prints i brought to the con. All the art pieces besides one sold in the artshows/auction aswell. I did host the panel on Fur Texture in Photoshop, (from last second preperations, as i was not expecting a progector to be availiable and cancelled the plan to host it originally) it went ok, butI never got the prpper preperations ready before hand as i wasnt' planning on doing it this year) Next year i will may host a "new" panel....entitled: " Creating Realistic eyes in Photoshop" .
It was a very successfull convention overall. If there's any of my readers that missed it , you missed a great convention that was fun and went well. I actually enjoyed this convention more than i enjoyed Anthrocon this year !
***** The Below link is to a selection of photos taken at Anthrofest this weekend ! *****
http://www.northernfurs.ca/Firestormsix/Anthrofest2006/ ... I would like to give a syncere thank you to the Anthrofest Staff for selecting me as Anthrofest's Artist guest of honor aswell, and for making Anthrofest 2006 such a great success and job well done !