Poetry time today! I found this the other day, even though I wrote it ages ago. I love this piece - yes I'm self pimping, and no, I don't care. Anyway, on to the poem.
♥ Mikhaila
Title: Angel
Word Count: 206
Rating: PG
Summary: Fly me away to a place where I can find peace.
Fly me away far from here
From a place where all that happens is endless pain
Angel, take me to an oasis
Where joy is found in every grain of sand
That surrounds my haven beautiful.
Angel, walk me around the streets so peaceful
Deserted, yet I wonder not why
They're peaceful, Angel, I embrace them
I find solace in their love
Look there in the water deep
I see a reflection, but it is not mine
You made me a mirror Angel!
One where the soul is reflected
Not the outter pain that torments me.
Oh Angel can I stay here with you
In my oasis pure and sweet
Where the waterfall sings my name
The rocks and trees beckon me with every movement
And the streets embrace me in their silence.
Don't fly away, lift me with your wings
Oh Angel come back and take me
To that place where I can fly
I'll follow you off the edge, you beckon me
And I can fly
Angel you took me to the oasis
Where the air is sweet and the streets hold me
I can find comfort here.
I can leave the world standing there on that cliff
Angel you taught me to fly