Name: Whitney
Previously Stamped As:
Mulan [regular]
"I'll Make a Man Out of You" [song"]
Shang [matchmaker]
How would you describe yourself? (includes strengths and flaws): cheerful, hardworking, creative, independent, funny, clever, artistic, stubborn, shy, critical, secretive, impatient with idiots, spazzy, snarky
Describe what your life is like right now: good, busy
Any goals in the future? get a job
Is there anything that you’re passionate about? nature, working with kids, learning
Zodiac Symbol
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner? more of a loner
Impulsive or Cautious: cautious
Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimistic
Mature or not so mature: mature
Confident or Shy: confident in myself, but shy around strangers
Introverted or Extroverted: introverted
Brave or Coward: brave
Selfish or Selfless: selfish
Laid Back or Temperamental: both
According to
this, what is your zodiac symbol? Do you think it’s accurate? I am the tiger, I'd say I'm more subdued than as described, but I'm more tiger-like on the inside perhaps
Is there any animal that is the LEAST like you? Why? Proably the monkey, it seems too social-centered than I am
Anything else? thanks for the votes
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