u_n_asplode if desperately needed
EMAIL/MESSENGER(S): slgstudentmail (at) yahoo (dot) com, AIM/ironbirdobserver
NAME: Marisa Kirisame
FANDOM: Touhou Project
CANON SYNOPSIS: Marisa is, at first glance, easy to understand-irritatingly so. A usually disagreeable, but incredibly self-confident character who wiggles her way into every bit of interesting business that catches her eye. And anyone-or anything-that happens to get in the way usually gets bowled over. And god help you if she finds something interesting. She often ignores things such as courtesy if it doesn’t suit her-which is often-and is just as often viewed as mean and annoying. Essentially, Gensokyo’s local troll. Her penchant for kleptomania doesn’t improve public opinion much, either.
Even amongst a pocket-universe of superpowered freaks, Marisa’s magical power is considered impressive-and she’s not in the least bit afraid to show it off. Even against random potentially innocent bystanders.
This apparently shallow self-centeredness does hide a deeper persona; one that wants to be acknowledged and recognized by her peers-and, distantly, by her family. It shows in Marisa’s usual flashy (and often overpowered) style of magic, and in her extroverted and attention-attracting personality. Living amongst a motley collection of insanely long-lived creatures as she has, Marisa is also quite aware of her own human mortality.
But, at this age-she doesn’t care. Beyond the occasional quiet, lonely thought, at least.
CALABRIA-VERSE BACKGROUND: Marisa Kirisame of Calabria is a largely similar creature. Born in some “unimportant backwater”, possibly in Japan-or, as she jokes, in America, given her propensity for blowing shit up. She doesn’t mention it much, and becomes agitated when someone is persistent about the subject. Marisa spent most of her early years wandering Europe-away from her family. Seeing the sights, learning important life lessons-how to steal a car, swear in German, dodge cops, break into a house, get away with it, those kinds of things. She made some good friends-but rarely returned home. If ever.
Marisa wandered into Italy at some point-and stayed, at first because the climate was agreeable-and promptly got tangled up in less than legal enterprises. And then, it was just too much fun to leave.
How did she not come to some kind of harm, travelling all by herself?
Why, Marisa’s just an ordinary magician.
Through freak genetics, possession, deals with strange spiritual entities, a result of experimenting with all kinds of fucked up substances, or otherwise-she doesn’t talk about it much. Marisa calls what she can do “magic” because that’s what it is in her mind-and if people don’t believe her, they will believe an explosion thrown in their general direction. Or, they won’t; it’s not her problem. “Magic” weirds people out more than “strange phenomena science can’t really explain that makes shit explode”, strangely enough. Something about her being crazy…
Her “magic” is a part of her, though it performs at its best when Marisa has a focus for it; like diffused light sharpening into a laser. And who doesn’t like lasers? She certainly does! The Mini-Hakkero in her possession is one of her favorites; a small, octahedral device, fashioned of some…bizarre metallic substance that doesn’t show up on metal detectors. It has eight trigrams on its face, and looks rather Asian in origin-Marisa often claims she picked it up “somewhere” around there, and never specifies.
She considers light, heat, and, by proxy, various types of explosions to be her specialty; if it isn’t flashy, it isn’t proper magic, in her opinion. Nevertheless, she does have some more pragmatic spells worked out-the Mini-Hakkero reactor, a handheld source of ungodly rainbow-y death, also serves quite nicely as a space heater. And it doesn’t show up on metal detectors.
Marisa did, however, start quite ordinary; in the beginning, her talents were downright marginal. Through years-and years-of both self-teaching and , she has expanded her power exponentially, and she isn’t afraid of showing it off. Her “magic” was a source of much derision amongst her family, however, and she remains quite bitter about them for that. If it wasn’t for her mentor-who she wryly doesn’t mention by name-she wouldn’t have ended up where she Is now as far as magical ability.
She is a skilled traceuse-a parkour practitioner-to the point where she almost flies over most obstacles others usually detour around; fences, staircases, windows, and such. At times, Marisa’s movements seem a tad more than entirely natural. The jumps too high, her airtime just a smidge too long…but, needless to say, escaping the typical policeman is a simple matter for her. She is often outside practicing and staying in shape-one of many excuses.
All of this helped get her into the Monacello books, along with a healthy hatred of the police. As she has worked hard to improve her skills, so too has she worked to rise in the ranks-to prove that she is worthy of the honor.
Even if it meant killing someone.
…oh, and the “ze”? That’s a vocal tic. It’s less prolific than it was in her youth, but it often sneaks in amongst her words anyway. If she really thinks about it, it drops from her speech like a rock. Marisa doesn’t let it come through on any business calls-far, far too distinctive.
CURRENT SITUATION: The often-absent owner of a small apartment building, Marisa lives in and runs the Love Colored Aviary out of the ground floor. Bounded on all sides by people she knows or by no one at all, Marisa is generally known as a lenient landlord, provided one doesn’t ask too many questions or talk to cops. There’s always space for a fellow Monacello, though this is on a strictly temporary basis for anyone not on her crew. The security in the place is unusually heavy; bars on the windows, thorny shrubs snugged up against the building, reinforced doors-finicky locks that behave strangely for non-tenants. She knows how a thief would break in, after all!
Marisa primarily sells hand-raised birds out of her aviary-peach-faced lovebirds particularly, in addition to a few similarly noisy species-and, thus, has a good reason to have a sound-proofed flat. Wouldn’t want to distress the neighbors, would she? Marisa is relatively well-known for getting all sorts of weird customers and weird tenants, some at ridiculous hours; sometimes nice fellows in suits, strange looking girls and the like. Bird fanatics weren’t a very predictable demographic, and neither were her tenants.
Her paranoia of selling a bird to an abusive home often leads to extensive background checks before she actually sells-or, for that matter, hires a bird-sitter, as she is often out of the building on other business. Most of her profits come from selling trinkets and nice roomy birdcages-though she rarely parts with a bird cheaply. She buys them wholesale from a distributor; they arrive, and depart, in boxes ferried about via small truck or van. Sometimes marked, sometimes not.
Really--of course this is a legitimate business, however small. Pay no attention to the Glock in the fridge, or how finicky the locks seem if the wrong person uses the right key-or the fact that most of her house isn’t seen by the general public.
Or the African Grey parrot who enjoys freaking out guests and intruders with wolf-whistles and a perfect impersonation of Marisa’s voice.
ALIGNMENT: Monacello
RANK: Caporegime - While she might not seem to care about most of her fellow man beyond a casual, shallow interest, Marisa does actually care about those close to her. Monacello has been an effective replacement for a distant and ill-remembered biological family, and she is happily loyal to them as a whole-despite criminal things done in the Monacello name. Her outgoing personality, confidence, and her obedience to family superiors makes her a good leader for a squad of soldiers, and a healthy pool of “practical knowledge” from being crooked almost her entire life doesn’t hurt either.