Torchwood drabble for tw100

Jan 14, 2008 21:21

Title:Toshiko's eyes
Author: firko
Challenge: Firsts
Rating: G
Characters: Torchwood team
Spoilers: General season 1. The characters aren't mine, it's just for fun.

The first time Tosh met Jack he flirted with her and she flirted back. She knew he wasn’t really interested but it was fun to pretend.

The first time Tosh met Ianto he smiled at her and she knew he was keeping something secret from the team. She just didn’t know what it was.

The first time Tosh met Suzie she saw Suzie’s face change to protect herself from being hurt.

The first time Tosh met Owen he said ‘Hello’ and walked away. Later she caught his gaze and they grinned at one another. She fell for him that day.

Cross-posted to tw100

torchwood, my fic

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