I managed 2 drabbles this week.
Title: Comfort in death
firkoCharacters: Jack, Gwen
Rating: G
Challenge: Mortality
Notes:Spoilers through season 1. Torchwood comes from the imagination of RTD and is in no way mine. I just borrow the characters for my own amusement.
Jack didn’t think of himself as immortal. After Abadon he knew that, if he met the wrong enemy, there was every chance that he would die and never wake up. He found that comforting.
He had died so often and in so many ways there was no surprise any more. The astonishment came when he woke, gasping for breath, clutching the nearest warm hand to pull him back towards life.
Several times now, that hand had belonged to Gwen and she had become his guardian angel. Mortal, full of flaws, feelings and humanity, but his all-seeing angel none the less.
Title: Aftermath
firkoCharacters: Gwen
Rating: G
Challenge: Mortality
Notes:Spoilers through season 1. Torchwood comes from the imagination of RTD and is in no way mine. I just borrow the characters for my own amusement.
Gwen had loved being a police officer. Every shift was different. Some days passed quietly, walking the city and directing civilians to the bay or the Millennium stadium. Others were hectic and dangerous, spent dealing with crowds, fights and grief. On those days she felt the terrifying hot breath of death on her neck, so close that she could be snatched at any time.
Since Torchwood, she had seen much more death but walked away, leaving the after effects to others. She was glad - death no longer frightened her. The aftermath - all wailing, anger and retribution was infinitely scarier.
Cross-posted to my LJ