Pchat, let me show you it

Apr 07, 2011 22:08

Round 2 of more pchat with double the number of participants. piratelicker and I were graced by the presence of _deru and starstray.

We started off with some extreme katamari fiery juggling.

Then we made jokes about Sarkozy stealing James Bond tech from Q for his weaponized umbrellas (true story) which are also attack dog-resistant. 8D

Then the subject of hot British pakciks came up, so we talked about Daniel Craig (absolutely adorable in THIS) and then we agreed that David Tennant's accent was uber sexy so we did some Doctor Who.

We ran into similar problems of piratelicker getting locked out of my board. We might have to do pchats at her board from now on.

starstray had  just marathoned Trick so we spammed Dr Ueda Jiro, another sexy ojisan.

Then we have Arthur and Francis in Britannia drag. Which morphed into an unstoppable global chart-topping musical phenomenon: The Drag Chaps/ Le Hommes en Travesti (LOL travesti is French for drag XD)
(France's pose is from the painting, Liberty leading the people, by Eugene Delacroix.)

Somehow we got to talking about Smurfs and found out that piratelicker detests them. So I drew a giant Smurf which she killed.

To relieve her tension, she drew Netherlands as a milkmaid and we doodled a bondage cow from Amsterdam and various other dairy/confectionery brands.
Incidentally, Kjeldsens prides itself on being the strongest luxury biscuit brand. XD

My MCQs are coming up but I'm finding it hard to knuckle down and study. Sigh.

hetalia, pchat

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