We've come to the conclusion that here in room 109, there is a love hexagon going on. It's a bit confusing, and Jen proposed to me, which potentially adds to the list of wives I have. Apparently, monogamy is not for me
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Lately I've been thinking of my Grandpa alot. It's something that's starting to affect how I deal with people- others are noticing I'm more distant, and I've had certian people ask if somethings wrong. However (and this is something I confirmed when I tried to talk about it) it's still too raw of a subject to touch. I can't talk about it, because I
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Kickboxing is kicking my ass. Namely 'cause I have no muscles. I'm also dwarfed by almost every other girl in there- it's a class that the jocks take, so all these Amazon girls have muscles, they have height, and I keep thinking I must be twelve again. It's just an odd feeling
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I'm in one of those moods where I have no idea what I want to do, but I don't want to do the dishes or watch tv. Or socialize. So I figure reading shit online is a good thing. I'm in a very vauge sort of mood, where I feel apathetic more than anything
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Today was another one of those days. Stomache flu, cramps, bad moods, insomnia... it all hit. Ah well- Got to see Stephen Lynch on tv. I'll take it. and Doctors are stupid.
I keyed in 'Feminism' as a search in lj's interests search engine, and was a little amused by what I found. After scrolling through the sex sites, I found the 'antifeminism' site
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Tonight at work was a little better- namely because I was in a busy theatre. At least for the first showing. So for the first time this week I got to come home without the usual feeling of total worthlessness. It's kind of nice.