Feb 11, 2008 12:09

Fandom: taking back Valentine's Day since 2008!

So last year bottle-of-shine had a Kissing Battle. The last edition is here (EDITED TO ADD: this is the old battle, not the current one!). It was a lot of fun and might be known around FF-fandom circles as the best Meme ever**.

Pretty much everyone I know is stressed about something, too, so this round of the ( Read more... )

this is nay's fault, writing: memes, meme: kissing battle

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is_bel February 12 2008, 04:43:10 UTC


Tifa/Veld (i have a craving for this one XD)

Knock yourself out ;D


jenovas_boy February 12 2008, 04:51:19 UTC
"Forget it, Tifa!" Reno snapped. "I ain't doin' it! And there ain't nothin' in this world that can make me say otherwise!"

Tifa tilted her head playfully. "Are you sure, Reno?" She leaned in, despite Reno's increasingly widening eyes, and placed a gentle kiss against his cheek. "It'd make me really happy..."

Reno sighed. "Fine. I'll babysit the two brats!" He shook his head in defeat. "What time'll you be back?"


is_bel February 12 2008, 04:55:58 UTC
LOL!!! SO FAST!! I swear, I posted this 5 minutes ago!

AWW And how cute! ^^ I love how she can tame him so easily! haha!

Thanks so much!


jenovas_boy February 12 2008, 05:04:15 UTC
You're welcome! It just sota came to me! Glad you liked it!


jenovas_boy February 12 2008, 04:56:38 UTC
It was horrifying, this fantasy, but oh so sweet. Hot and cold and viciously real. Sephiroth's mouth was perfect. Firm, sensual, and hungry. And it was pressing in, taking all of her, sucking her dry from the inside out...and Tifa didn't even care. She wanted this. Wanted the pressure. Wanted the heat. Wanted Sephiroth. She always had, and not even her terrible hatred was enough to drive it away. But eventualy Cloud would, so, despite everything, Tifa resolved to kiss him while she had the chance.


is_bel February 12 2008, 05:02:58 UTC
You are just on a roll, my friend.


That's all I gotta say. ;D


jenovas_boy February 12 2008, 05:05:56 UTC
Thanks again! I'll try to get some more out for ya soon.


FF7: Tifa.Veld (1/2) tijuana_pirate February 13 2008, 04:16:25 UTC
We're made out of blood and rust, looking for someone to trust without a fight. I think you came too soon, you're the honey and the moon that light up my night.

Honey and the Moon, Joseph Arthur


He’d never seen her sit at the edge of a dock before.

They’d traveled many places together since that time. The woman was foolishly stubborn. After having succeeded in attaching herself to him - was there any other way to think of it? - she’d begun to insist that they travel together, as if they were some sort of middle-aged couple set for retirement. He sometimes wondered if her travel-lust was a result of withdrawal from those years, when she’d traveled with less than the clothes on her pack and no rest at all ( ... )


FF7: Veld.Tifa (2/2) tijuana_pirate February 13 2008, 04:17:38 UTC
“Whatch your tone, young lady,” he accused. “You should show your elders more respect.”

Tifa laughed and flashed him one of those looks over her shoulder.

“I’ve never been particularly good at behaving,” she said, her smirk giving all of her meanings away. Veld let a long slow smirk colour his face. He leaned forward again.

“We’ll just have to work on your manners,” he said, brushing her chin with his good hand. Tifa’s smile was slow and delicate.

“Oh, I’m a difficult study,” she said slyly. Veld’s smirk deepened.

“Fortunately,” Veld said slowly, knowing damn well that the little minx had won again, “I have all the time in the world.”

“Amen,” Tifa said quietly before kissing him again.

Painted in red hues by the costan sunset, Veld couldn’t help but think that he could get used to these vacations.


-T. pirate


Re: FF7: Veld.Tifa (2/2) is_bel February 14 2008, 03:13:29 UTC
Oh, you have no idea how much this made my day. Midterms just finished, and this is just icing on the cake! Extra icing!

I am in love with your Veld. Seriously. I liked how you made this drabble from his point of view too. And I can't get enough of this couple whenever I read about them ^^. Ah! What a cute kiss too, made me giggle..and you stuck in two! Aww! That was so great! Oh, the smirks. Hee. And the teasing. Loved every moment. Setting up the scene in the beginning too! It was lovely.

Thanks so much!! ^__^


Tifa/Vincent is_bel February 23 2008, 23:00:27 UTC
(I'm probably the last person to post to this thing, but I did just see it on ff_press yesterday. Hope no one minds belated kisses.)

Behind a bar was no place for a woman who'd blush at the names of drinks, and Tifa was good at what she did in every way Vincent could think of.

It seemed she had, however, thought she might get more of a reaction out of him with some of the drinks they'd ordered along with dinner tonight. To his credit, she'd barely seemed to faze him at all.

She even caught a subtle smile on his face twice.

In truth, he thought he could sit across from Tifa and watch the way her mouth shaped words for hours. It had nothing to do with alcohol. If he was honest with himself, it'd been like that for months.

If he was scrupulously honest with himself, it was even more than that. And... he didn't see a need to go that far ( ... )


Re: Tifa/Vincent is_bel February 24 2008, 10:22:12 UTC

Of course no one minds belated kisses! This was such a treat to read! Thank you so much!

I loved the first line actually, about bartending and drink names. It made me smile right away :). The conversation leading up to the kiss was great! It was comfortable, light and believable at the same time. I flowed right with it.

And I liked how he knew what she tasted like. +10 points LOL. Aw, the small aftermath at the end...geez, you spoiled me so much in this little drabble!

Thanks again! I'm SO glad you managed to catch the end of this kissing meme! ^_^


Re: Tifa/Vincent is_bel February 24 2008, 22:59:09 UTC
I'm thrilled that it worked so well for you. I apparently have a terrible weakness for them together and just had to get the ficlet off my chest when I saw the prompt.

Thank you for the compliments!


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