(no subject)

Apr 22, 2004 02:51


I was a bit galled to get to Zanarkand and find that Yuna was no longer there. I'd asked her to stay, because I had many important things to say to her. But I suppose my credibility wasn't very high. That's... understandable.

Still, my trip to Zanarkand was not without its benefits. I made my own pilgrimage for the first time, walking the paths that so many before had, when they had been coming to see me. I even found a Guardian.
She and I will be returning soon. Perhaps we will stop in Luca, but ultimately, to Besaid. That is my thought... for the long-term, at least. My actions caused so much misery there, it seems only right that I dedicate at least a few years of my new lease on life to that poor little village.
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