Your Name: Fenix
OOC Journal: darkling_foenix, rarely used
Under 18? If yes, what is your age?: Yes, way over.
Email + IM: prideswrath AT gmail DOT com // AIM: Primusforged
Characters Played at Ataraxion: None.
Name: Prima
Canon: Transformers, Timelines.
Original or Alternate Universe: Canon; See AU Clarification
Canon Point: Post death Timelines Universe
Number: 187 (Otherwise mods pick if it's taken)
Star saberHistory: Cybertron In Prima's time was rather different: It was the body of Primus, their creator-god. Prima and his siblings were created to crew/defend it from Unicron - Chaosbringer; each of the thirteen were to become an archetype for the race that was to follow.
Prima was the very first created then 12 other siblings were created; one of the female and one of them a combiner. Each of the siblings were given domain of an aspect, and this in turn gave them demigod like powers: Vector Prime [Space-Time, able to manipulate it to his will.], Megatronus [Ability to control and manipulate entropy], Liege Maximo [Unknown], Nexus Prime [Guardian of rarefied energy/abilities to manipulate the very thing a Cybertronian is made of.], Alpha Trion [The archivist/keeper of the Histories.], Solus Prime [the weaponsmith and creator of many of the artefacts of the 13]. These are the known ones of course. With great power comes great responsibility; For while, they were content, and made do in ther battlesagainst Unicron. Sometime in these battles, Solus Prime was commissioned to forge a weapon of great power for Megatron to aid in the battle against Unicron, After it was tested, the thirteen cast a vote on whether to keep it or destroy it.
They voted to keep it. Not long after this peace was shattered when Megatronus turned his back on them after killing Solus Prime; all over the weapon that she had made. Along with this, Megatronus abandoned his duty to Primus in favor of serving another - Unicron, their sworn enemy. Unicron is the god of destruction and chaos and basically Primus' anti-thesis; Where Primus is good, Unicron is evil ect ect. Before long, the Thirteen found themselves embroiled in a war that would see their ranks shattered as sibling betrayed sibling and fought against one another and they scattered across the stars in the war, leaving the fledging race of Cybertronians behind. In the battles that followed, several Primes fell, Prima amongst the losses.
This was repeated in the universes that the Thirteen seeded themselves in, though not always in the exact same manner. All because power corrupts and Megatronus wanted more than his share. In the Bayverse though, Prima survived a bit longer to lead the remaining Primes into forming a tomb around the Matrix of Leadership so that it would not be found for a long time. He also banished Megatronus to a pocket dimension in this universe, too.
However, his legacy lived on his original home - his sword, the Star Saber, was only shattered into shards. This sword was incredibly powerful - able to snuff out suns and break planets to dust. And the shards still retained the quantum edge that the blade had once held.
It was hidden via Nexus Prime who was split into five with this very quantum edge with the aid of Vector Prime, and Alpha Trion. The newborn robots then scattered across the multiverse, each to hide a piece of Prima's sword.
The remainder of Thirteen split up soon after, and eventually the Transformers came to be as we know them; A million and one verses, with pretty much the same thing happening in 99% of them: Autobots verse Decepticons.
Prima will only retain memories of Timelines and fragments of the Live action.
Personality: Prima will not take sides in any conflict that is present unless asked and even then, it would be reluctantly.
Prima is a Warrior, first and foremost. He's a born leader and able to make the hard choices as required. If he knows of gender, it matters little. It is doubtful that in the earliest language of the Primes such distinctions were made, or if they were, they had meanings unrelated to gender as we know it and were more a kin to frame types. He has a courageous voice and a commanding presence. He is noble and just, willing to sacrifice his life for the greater good, if it is truly required - such as when he sealed the Matrix up in the Live action.
The betrayal of Megatronus hurt in away that is hard to describe. The fact that he's lived through a number of them is not easy thing to bare, but he bares it well. The battles against his siblings hurt too, as the 13 was a set. Even then, he would have stood by his beliefs and he would have, with a heavy spark, fought against Megatronus and the others. That is not to say that he would be so naive to think that he could sway his brother back to Primus. Though he would have tried of course.
He has an intense and incredible loyalty to Primus, his 'father'. Prima's relations with his siblings was that was a family - somewhat close nit, but also functional. One does not like every member of the family, and as such it would have been with Prima. He would have been aware of a great deal of things and also possess a brilliant mind for strategy and tactics, as shown in the live action side-comic Tales of the Fall: The Fallen when he tricked his brother into using up all his power while Prima still had plenty left.
To turn one's back on one's creator would be unforgivable in his eyes as well. In the side comic mentioned above, Prima is shown to be resourceful and cunning and able to think and plan fast enough to outwit his brother, if not a determined mechoid who is willing to sacrifice his own life to put a stop to something that is very, very wrong according to their laws. For to harvest the sun of a planet with sentient life is the highest form of evilm according to Prima,
To flesh him out a bit more, he has compassion and grace, poise and elegance, along with a sort of regal baring that can only come from knowing that you are the first of something. To be arrogant about being a First Forged would have been tempered, but the arrogance for his skills; no, for that is rightly deserved arrogance. If he can help, he will, but he will not take the spotlight, unless absolutely necessary. Prima would unlikely get references past his death, so misinterpreting things is a go. Prima would definitely see those that came after the Thirteen as children and would probably have patience for them, but it's not infinite and he can and will lose his temper like anyone else; it simply takes forever to set it off. It would not be a pretty sight and being human will only make things that much harder. In every incarnation Prima has always woken with a basic overview of why he is in that Universal stream and what his job is. To not have that will throw him off, though he can and will hide it under wraps. The loss of a connection of his father-lord-creator-god will also throw him.
That being said, Prima will not seek any leadership roles. With his death, he'd know that his time to lead is up. He will still advise if asked.
His primary fear would be the loss of any more family and the biggest one is Unicron, and failing in his duty to Primus. Betrayal of Megatronus has also left it's mark too.
Abilities, Weaknesses and Power Limitations:
Prima is a warrior, so he knows a shitton of fighter skills, primary sword-based. He does not know every singly thing there is to know though, as that would be rather impossible. He's able to swing the blade one or two handed with skill, though he rathers it two handed. He's swift in drawing it and light on his feet, even with how heavy it is. However, given that he's now been placed into a human body, this will limit him in both strength and endurance, even with training. He'll also fatigue faster than in his natural body and need to eat somewhat more as well as he'll have a very fast metabolism.
Despite being a warrior, Prima does not know anything more than simple hand to hand, which is mostly used to defend himself, which could leave him in serious trouble if the sword wasn't in his subspace, was shattered or he could otherwise not get to it.
Another ability is that of subspace, and with the mods permission, he'll keep that for stowing his sword in. He can't use it to hold anything else.
Star Sabre: Nerfed down to have an extremely sharp edge that requires care and maintence. The sword has the maxtrix of leadership embbed in the hilt like a shiny bauble but it's also lost most of it's power. Otherwise, the sword is restiant to most normally stresses, though a strong enough blow or blast will fracture/shatter it and Prima will have to have it re-forged.
Light based power: Checked with the mods
Basically, he has control over most forms of light, though game-wise thise has been limited to the general 'ball of light' principle that he can create with his hands. It's really just a ball of superdense sunlight without the warmth/radiation. He can shape and manipulate it to his will. He is able to shift this generic ball of light into another form of light, provided he knows what it ' feels' like [Basically - how it's made]. For example, if he were to created holographic light, he would have to know how it's made, but he would not be able to replicate it with only that. For every 'shift' in the light-type, he must spend some time observing it as well. The time frame would vary. Simple coloured and ambient would only be a day at most, hardlight would be up a week or more. (this part I'm willing to nerf out :) )
Prima can't make any ball of light that is larger than himself, and the more frequent the casting, the greater the drain on his energy and the more chance he has of failing to creat anything that's half the size of himself. Too much use can and will see him pass out.
While he has power over Light, it means that he could, if allowed access to his full powers, theoretically plunge the ship into near darkness by exerting his will to dim it as low as it will go. Mods willing, I would like to have him keep part of this and limit it to a single average sized room. Using this part of his powers will exhausted him, and it is limited to five minutes maximum and a twice-in-24hours kind of deal. A third time will see him either pass out or gain massive migraines. Even then, he'd be reluctant to use it unless he had no other choice. It's extremely unlikely that Prima will abuse his own power, too.
The power is limited in that is is hardly suitable for useage in fights, given that Prima will be required to give his full attention on the creation process, and the level of control required to keep it active after that is about 70% of his full attention. It's been nerfed and made harder to maintian his control over it for long periods of time and it cuts out after two hours of continuous usage, though after the ten minute mark he will start to get headaches - the longer the control, the greater the headache.
Normal human weakness and his power weaknesses aside, given that Prima has been well, dead for millions of years, there are some pretty glaring ones when it comes to interactions with others. He's not going to get alot of the organic terminology and/or the word meanings. This does not mean that he'll question every time they come up, or in every context, though he will ask, if it is appropriate to do so, and remember a good chuck of the explanation. Though, at later dates, he may ask again, if he is still confused.
The fact that he doesn't have 'inbuilt knowledge' to the form, or why he was sent here has only served to confuse, and frustrate the First Forged further.
Prima is unfamiliar with any written langue that is not ancient Cybertronian. He speaks English by way of how he was put into a human body and understands it when it's spoken, but reading and writting are no-go for now. The reasoning is simple: He's an alien robot from outerspace, is from the time in the mythos when they did not have contact with humans at all and thus there was no need for him to learn even a fraction of the language.
Learning it will be a complicated processes. English does not equal Cybertronian in any shape or form, and this includes the rules. Est. time for learning the basics is about 6mnths, give or take. By this same token, he doesn't understand morden cybertronian, either.
Inventory: One nerfed Star Saber, stripped of it's powers, one matrix of leadership also nerfed; one matrix pendant;
Appearance: Prima looks like a young, androgynous male in his late 20's.
His eyes are really pale blue-white and do, at times, appear to glow silver; his hair is blonde/silver. He's a fit, active male, though his body is riddled with scars. The most notable being on the left shoulder and above the navel.
The PB is Uhara.
Age: A good few billion years. Looks wise, due to early death in the mythos, late 20s, earlyish 30's.
AU Clarification: I feel like I should put this here: Given that the history of the Thirteen is so fragmented across the realities, I have pieced it together in the logical order, taking heavily from timelines and Prime for a more complete picture. I have used what has been shown in the Liveaction universe to help flesh him out some more, too.
Log Sample:
Yet again, Prima had found himself walking the halls of the Tranquility. Some considered themselves stuck; he did not. It was simply a new phase of life, and, despite his lack of intial knowalge why he was here, and any and all information of the form, he was content, for the most part. Learning the form had been an experience he was unwilling to trade for anything. How odd to be alive again, too; Odd, but not unwelcome. It had taken some getting use to, and he'd spent the week doing so, exploring his new frame - body, testing its limits, and finding out what worked for it. He found that his sword was summoned by will, too - possibly contained in a subspace of kind. It was a small comfort to the First Forged. A trivial matter to most, but to be so out of his depth...
The last thing he'd recalled was dying in battle and then being incarnated into another universe. There too, he;d died, sacrificing himself to seal the Matrix somewhere, but, looking at the Star Saber - he wasn't so sure. Though the jewel on its hilt was in the likeness of the Matrix - it was hardly so. Little more than a bauble now, it was almost a blasphemy on the sword. If said sword was still as powerful....
It was still sharp, yes, but little else. Prima wasn't even sure that it was still nigh unbreakable.
He smiled ruefully, and blew a strand of blond hair out of quicksilver eyes. Oh, he knew it was the real thing. Any warrior that did not know and trust their weapon completely was a fool indeed.
But,why was he here? It must be for a reason. Any reason, though why he had not incarnated with the information required about the form, and his mission was beyond him. Though, he could not and would never presume to know his Lord Creator's will, and until such a time as his mission was clear, he'd live simply, watching, helping where needed, but nevermore than that. He would not go out of his way, either. If he was in the area, Priima would help. If not, then the children could take care of it themselves.
It was as simple at that.
Comms Sample:
[The voice sounds somewhat androgynous, but it is male. No real accent to it, either.] Pardon me, but I seem to have been brought here against my will, no doubt through some sort of device, or even a loose space-time tear that Vector should have spotted, and fixed by now. [Mutter] What Primus' name is he doing if not his Duty..?
[Ahem.] Forgive me.
Might I inquire as to where I am, and why I am here. While I normally have the information within when I wake... I do not this time. Nor why I am within such a body.
Also, I would like to inquire as to the status of any other Cybertronians.