Underworld Wars

May 07, 2011 03:10

|| Player Information ||
Name: Raven
Personal Journal: tatteredraven
Time zone:
Contact: Email: Tatteredraven@gmail.com AIM: SteampowerRaven
Current Characters: None

|| Character Information ||
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Name: Zack Fair
Canon Point: Right before he faces the ShinRa army
Is this character dead? yes
History: Zack’s history is here!
Personality: Zack is a cheerful and outgoing person through in through. He’s the kind of person who can make friends very easily and if you happened to be one of those friends then you’re in luck. Zack cherishes his friends and will risk anything for them, whether it’s a shoulder to cry on or back up in a fight Zack won’t hesitate for a second. He’s also sort of a ladies man and his flirtatious nature will most likely get him in trouble one day.

Dreams are very important to Zack, he joined SOLDIER to fulfill his to become a hero. His mentor, Angeal, always encouraged him to keep both is dreams and honor; this is something that Zack passed down to others after Angeal’s death. Once Angeal died, Zack stepped up to fill the role Angeal had left behind while still remaining the friendly guy he has always been. Serious when he needs to be, Zack takes up leadership roles very easy. Even in the worse situations, Zack tries to focus on the bright side. Because of this he is the prefect person to go to if you’re in need of a pep talk. He has a ‘never say die’ attitude and will not easily back down on something he believes in.

Another thing that has not change over the years is what a goof Zack can be. Once called a puppy by Angeal, it’s not hard to see why he got that nickname. Excitable and just a little clueless it’s a wonder Zack hasn’t gotten into more trouble in his life. Sometimes he comes off as too trusting, but Zack is not as oblivious as some would think. People with personal space problems beware: Zack is the kind of guy who randomly gives out hugs and hair ruffles.

Skills | Powers: Due to the mako in his system, Zack is a lot stronger than a normal person and also heals at a much faster rate. His years in SOLDIER have left him with a lot military training, if needed Zack can and will use this knowledge. Like most fighters from his world, Zack has several Limit Breaks he can use. His main weapon is a overly large sword called the Buster Sword, though he also has training in the use of firearms and hand to hand combat. With the help of materia (orbs of crystallized mako) he can also wield ‘magic‘.


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