First knit the Washrug pattern: forms the core of the Spiral Rag Rug, using rug yarn and large needles. Then continue on with the
Fourth Round of the Spiral
In the fourth round, stitches are progressively decreased to provide a smooth circular finish to the rug. (The decrease is proportional to the increase rows in the first round of the spiral, but in reverse order. A small part of the fifth round will be lashed as well. This provides a close approximation to a circle for the finished product!)
Wedge - four rows
Knit every stitch
ssyb, knit until 2 stitches remain on left hand needle, wrap the next stitch on the left hand needle
knit every stitch
ssyb, knit until 1 stitch remains on left hand needle, flat lash
Ridge - two rows
Knit every stitch
ssyb, knit until 1 stitch remains on left hand needle, flat lash
Decrease to 7 stitches per row
On the first row of round 4, knit the first 2 stitches together. (The wedges and ridges lashed into the first 39 selvedge stitches of the spiral are made with 7 stitches per row.)
Knit a Ridge, but knit 2 together at the beginning of the first row (now 7 stitches on the needle).
*Knit a Wedge, then knit two Ridges * three times
(126 ss on spiral)
*Knit a Wedge, then knit three Ridges * seven times
(133 ss on spiral)
Knit a Wedge
(134 ss on spiral)
Decrease to 6 stitches per row
(The wedges and ridges lashed into the next 29 selvedge stitches of the spiral are made with 6 stitches per row.)
Knit one Ridge, but knit 2 together at the beginning of the first row
Knit two Ridges
*Knit a Wedge, then knit three Ridges * two times
(136 ss on spiral)
*Knit a Wedge, then knit four Ridges * three times
(139 ss on spiral)
Knit a Wedge, then knit two Ridges
(140 ss on spiral)
Decrease to 5 stitches per row
(The wedges and ridges lashed into the next 23 selvedge stitches of the spiral are made with 5 stitches per row.)
Knit a Ridge, but knit 2 together at the beginning of the first row
Knit a Ridge
*Knit a Wedge, then knit four Ridges * four times
Knit a Wedge
(145 ss on spiral)
Decrease to 4 stitches per row
(The wedges and ridges lashed into the next 13 selvedge stitches of the spiral are made with 4 stitches per row.)
Knit a Ridge, but knit 2 together at the beginning of the first row
Knit four Ridges
Knit a Wedge, then knit five Ridges
Knit a Wedge, then knit a Ridge
(147 ss on spiral) final count!
Decrease to 3 stitches per row
(The ridges lashed into the next 10 selvedge stitches of the spiral are made with 3 stitches per row.)
Knit a Ridge, but knit 2 together at the beginning of the first row
Knit nine Ridges
Decrease to 2 stitches per row
(The ridges lashed into the next 23 selvedge stitches of the spiral are made with 2 stitches per row. The end of round 4 is reached at the 9th selvedge stitch.)
The Ridge for a 2 stitch row becomes:
ssyb, flat lash
Knit a Ridge, but knit 2 together at the beginning of the first row
Knit twenty two 2 stitch Ridges
Decrease to 1 stitch
(The ridges lashed into the next 10 selvedge stitches of the spiral are made with 1 stitch per row.)
One stitch Ridge
Knit 2 together
Slip the selvedge stitch, yarn forward, pick up a purl stitch through next selvedge stitch, turn work, slip the picked up stitch
knitwise, place it on the left hand needle next to the slipped selvedge stitch
Knit 10 one stitch Ridges.
Knit 2 together, then pull yarn through remaining stitch on needle to secure yarn. Weave in loose ends.
© September 2010, Rebecca Hudson (“meditative” on ravelry)
Please don’t use this pattern to sell finished items.