Prompt 211 Fencing Lessons

Feb 26, 2018 00:53

Title Another Brick in the Wall

Author landofthekwt

Rating K

Prompt  Fencing Lessons

Word Count 350

warning none

Summary Inuyasha passes the National Center Exam

Inuyasha stared at the questions on the paper in front of him. Nothing he had faced a thousand times before from his tutor in the past four years. from an untrained ruffian he had become a man that Kagome could be proud of this day and age.

While Kagome had conquered Todai , Inuyasha had conquered twelve year sof Japanese education. He might not have a high school diploma but passing the National Center Exam would show any college that he was prepared to enter college as any of the other half million people who faced this exam.

The charm he no faith in . Kagome had always told him that the man was a fraud. Surely his charms were no better. Kagome's bento was great,but he had been so nervous that he ate it on the way to Test Center The Bento might have been great but it could not replace Kagome

The hours passed quickly as he raced the clock to complete the first day of the exam Lucky for him, he had lived through much of the history,of Japan Hands mother had trained him in calligraphy, and the classics of Japanese Literature There were no surprises on th exam

Kagome came to pick him up after the end of he first day. She admired he was woke With no formal education , Inuyasha was trying to attain a level that few modern Japanese reached. She had willing to go to the Civil War and become the wife of a Japanese peasant.

Inuyasha was similarly willing to face the terror of modern age the National Center Exam in order to achieve the same level of education as she had.

After he exam he slept for a week. The results were mailed to him shortly after the exam. While it was not fear she had faced when looking for her number at her high school of choice it was the difference between success and failure When he read the results Kagome hugged him and whispered in his ear

:"Congratulations you are oldest Center in the history of Japan"

author: landofthekwt

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