Alphabet Meme - M - Michael/Ryan

Jun 05, 2008 16:55

So... I still have plenty of slots open on my alphabet meme, but that's okay, because knowing me, I'd only get halfway through the list and then forget about it. BUT... I'll still take requests if you all still want to give them to me. And I may end up assigning my own topics to some of them, because it'll give me an excuse to blather on about Daniel/Betty or Lassiter/Juliet or who knows what. Anyhow, I thought I'd start with M, given to me, not surprisingly, by
tinted_glass . And I was thinking about Michael/Ryan last night anyway, so I had to start with them.

First off, let me set the mood with a little song that just shouts Michael/Ryan.

Awwwwwwwww.  Michael's holding on for dear life, and Ryan is probably thinking, "Oh god, he's touching me.  What do I do?  Do I hug back?  Will he ever let me go?  Ugh, get off me, man!"

So, why am I so intrigued by Michael/Ryan, you ask?

At first, it just started off as another aspect of the Michael/Dwight relationship for me.  I LOVED how much angst Ryan caused Dwight.  It hurt Dwight so much to see Michael being so loving and in awe of this other person, and wanting to spend ALL of his time with this punk kid who was only a mere temp.  Dwight spent years worshiping Michael and getting very little in return for it, and in fact was fine with that because no matter what, he was Michael's #2, and he just plain loves Michael and always will.  But to love someone that intensely, and to see him fawning over someone else?  That had to hurt.  Dwight does so many things to win Michael's approval, but he never gets it.  Then Ryan struts in with his pretty blue eyes and boyish grin and Michael falls in love with him instantly.  FOR NO REASON!  He did NOTHING to win Michael's love.  The thing about Dwight is, he may love Michael more than anyone else does, but... he doesn't quite understand Michael.  He seems to be blind to Michael's faults, which is usually a good thing, because it allows him to love Michael as much as he does, but it's also a bad thing, because he can't see how superficial Michael is, he can't see that Michael is terrified of loneliness, he can't see that Michael is socially awkward, he can't see Michael's selfishness...  There's a lot that he can't (or refuses) to see.  But Dwight would do anything in his power to make Michael happy, and Michael really needs that.  Why?  Because Michael falls in love with people like Ryan Howard.

Right off the bat, Ryan was a little freaked out by Michael's instant love.  Ryan didn't want it, didn't deserve it, and pretty much can't stand it, but he needs it, and I think he knows that he needs it.  It's the same reason that he stayed with Kelly for so long.  Ryan in many ways is the antithesis of Michael.  He's extremely self-aware, he meets all the requirements of being commercially attractive (which is the main reason why Michael is so in love with him), he's a lousy salesman, he doesn't really care about people, and he's always looked at Dunder-Mifflin as a quick stop on his road to success.  Loyalty isn't really a word that you'll find in his vocabulary.  Despite all that, he's more like Michael than he cares to admit.  He's probably the one person on the show who truly gets Michael.  He knows Michael's motivations.  He knows what Michael's fears are, he knows what Michael's dreams are, and he knows every single fault that Michael possesses, and he uses all of this to manipulate the hell out of him.  The one thing that he doesn't seem to understand is the love that Michael so freely gives to him, and I think that's pretty much just his own self-loathing refusing to let himself believe that anyone could love him.  But when he finds people like this, like Michael and Kelly, he hangs onto them and gives them a tiny taste of reciprocation in order to keep them coming back to him, then he retreats back into himself.  I have a feeling that a fear of loneliness is something that Michael and Ryan have in common.  Fear of failure.  Selfishness.  Not being able to appreciate genuine love and affection from someone who could make them happy.  Both are attracted to the commercial idea of success rather than making goals unique to themselves (Michael thinks he should be popular, have a nice car, make a lot of money, have a hot wife, and he wants the white picket fence with the 2.5 children.  Ryan thinks he should be at the top of every society.  He felt too superior for the Scranton branch/was going to business school to get an MBA like kids his age are supposed to do, when he went to New York he fell in with what was popular - half-beard, slick-backed hair, black suits, smarmy attitude, drugs, clubbing, running into celebrities, fancy car, trying to set up an internet website for DM).

As for Michael, it was love at first sight.  He's attracted to shiny, pretty things, which is exactly what Ryan is to him.  Plus, Michael tends to be narcissistic, and he's always seen himself in Ryan.  Once Michael loves somebody, it is intense and forever.  He will do absolutely anything to win love in return.  He is loyal to a fault.  No matter how awful he's treated, he will still love that person with his whole soul.  And he is always, ALWAYS loving people who will never, ever love him in return, they will only take advantage of him.  There's a childlike innocence to pretty much everything that Michael does, so it's no surprise that his love is unconditional and needy.  His innocence causes him to be quite oblivious to many things, but once he realizes that he's been rejected or wronged, he feels the pain on such a deep level, which makes his unconditional love all the more special.  But like Ryan, he seems unable to let himself be happy.  He doesn't understand Dwight's love, doesn't really want Dwight's love, but he needs it, and he knows he needs it, but it's not enough to satisfy him.  He's always running after the people who make him work for their love.  It's amazing how much the Michael/Dwight relationship mirrors the Michael/Ryan relationship.  Especially during season 4 where Ryan became Michael's boss.

So, even though Michael and Ryan appear to be opposites, they also seem to be made from the same mold.  Michael has a BURNING love for Ryan that will never go away.  Once Ryan became Michael's boss, I got very engrossed in their story.  The downfall of Ryan was amazing, but the best part of it was that Michael was the only one who cared.  He was the ONLY one who was there for Ryan, and Ryan actually reached out to him.  But Michael, being his usual, childlike self, had no idea that Ryan was reaching out to him, which just made the moment even more beautiful and Michael/Ryan-like.

Also, Michael/Ryan is pretty.

Love at first sight.


Michael adores Ryan's butt.  I bet he wanted to give Ryan the "Best Tight-Ass" award along with "Hottest in the Office."  Oh, butt touch, how awkward, yet so right you were.

Michael wants to have sex with Ryan.  He just said so.

GAH!!!!!  The intense look from Michael, Ryan feeling violated by being undressed with Michael's eyes... oh yes.

Ryan is absolutely terrified after seeing Michael kiss Oscar.  He knows he's next. ;)

Oh, Michael. :'(  This is the first time that Ryan really hurt him.  Dunder-Mifflin is his life, and Ryan basically said that DM was worthless.  Bastard. >:(

"Let's make out right now."
"Mmm...  Okay."

Michael is fiercely protecting his man (while accidentally mocking him at the same time).

"Thanks for saving me, Michael.  I love you.  Kiss me, kiss me now."
Oh yeah, he wants Michael.  He might like to think that he doesn't want him, but he so wants him.

Anytime they touch is magical, even in blurry deleted scenes.

"Best night EVER!"  Michael has his boys, and that's all he needs.

ship: michael/dwight, picspam, ship: michael/ryan, show: the office, music, meme

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