Alphabet Meme - T - Toby Ziegler

Jun 12, 2008 21:29

After seeing the episode of The West Wing entitled "Evidence of Things Not Seen," I felt it was appropriate to fulfill
atlashrugged's request for the alphabet meme, considering the fact that my love for Toby Ziegler is pretty much exploding into giant, fluttering hearts. OH MY GOD! HE SAVED CJ! HE SAVED HER! OMG OMG OMG! HE IS SO IN LOVE WITH HER! *clears throat* His quiet love for CJ is not the only reason that I love him, but it's a pretty big one, and I just can't talk about Toby and not mention the splendiforousness that is Toby/CJ. I just can't. It's an impossibility.

So, who is this fellow with the adorable name that I speak of?

He's passionate, he's temperamental, he's a mix of awkward and sensual around women, he's a man of many words and yet he says so much with just his eyes, he's a perfectionist, he's his own worst enemy, he has an extremely high moral standard, he has so much love to give and yet he usually keeps it to himself (but again, he can say so much through his eyes that people usually see the love eventually), he never backs down from something that he believes in, and he's absolutely brilliant. And kind of grumpy pretty much all the time. ♥  He's the greatest speech writer there is.  He's loyal.  He's sarcastically funny.  He's got a shiny head.  He's not afraid to have a verbal brawl with the president.  He adores Sam Seaborn (and I'd be lying if I said I didn't slash them a tiny bit... or a lot).  He's just an awesome character all around, and Richard Schiff did an amazing job portraying him, because so much of Toby's character comes from his body language and the way he'll look at someone.  I love Toby.

All of the relationships on The West Wing are amazing (and I've been pulled into the Josh/Donna ship full force, I'm afraid, especially once Christian Slater showed up), but my absolute favorite relationship is definitely the one that Toby has with CJ.  This is CJ, by the way (guh, their looks at each other kill me):

They so want each other.  Anyway, this show is full of quick banter with lots of walking and irony, and it's hard to keep up with (especially Josh/Donna), and CJ and Toby have that too, but often times things will slow down when they are in each other's presence.  They'll have to stop and look at each other, because often times so much more is said from what they don't say to each other.  There was a familiarity between them from the beginning, like they've known each other their whole lives.  CJ always seems to bring a certain peacefulness to Toby that he doesn't have with anyone else, and he brings a certain normality/comfortableness to CJ that she can never seem to achieve with anyone else.  Toby adores her, and she has so much respect for him.  They are just so very in tune with each other.  Mind you, I'm only in season 4, and I read that they experience much angst in seasons 5, 6 and 7, so I haven't gotten to the rocky part of their relationship yet (and stupid netflix sent me #27 on my queue instead of #1 since they can't freaking count, so I have no idea when I'll be able to see the rest of the seasons).  Anyhow, these are two very romantic-relationship-inept people who find solace in each other, and they are pretty much soul mates as far as I'm concerned, but I get the feeling that they may have tried going the romantic route in the past and it didn't work out, or else there's just something that keeps them from going there.  It hurts my heart, but I think it's pretty fitting, actually.  Anyhow, they share so many intimate looks and they have these moments where they are the only two people who exist in the entire world, and they are simply amazing.  Evidence of Things Not Seen was a great example of why I love them so much.

Toby was right there to pull her down to the floor when she froze up during the shots (and I fangirled like crazy):

And he even stroked her hair when he got her down on the ground, which made me squee in a pitch that hasn't been heard in a very long time.  But here's why I love them.  Once they were in a room alone together, CJ wanted to thank him, and Toby knew this, but CJ couldn't bring herself to do it, which just made Toby smile with SO MUCH GLEE!

He knew she was thanking him in her own weird way, and he was pleased as punch.  He didn't need a thank you, and CJ knew that, and I think that may be a reason why she didn't actually say it.  They just... get each other. *dreamy sigh*

I also really love the moment that I capped before the cut, where they give each other that look, because it was when CJ said that she had faith "in us," and she was looking right at Toby when she said it.  I know she was talking about the human race in general, but the wording and the way that she looked at Toby as she said it?  She meant their friendship, damn it!  I know she did!  I also love how CJ's positivity always manages to overpower Toby's cynicism.  They are just so full of beautiful.  I love them!!!!

Oh, also, check out Toby's face when he finds out that CJ almost got shot in the head because some dude was trying to commit suicide by cop:

He's just like, "WHAT!  I ALMOST LOST MY CJ OVER THAT?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  GRRRRRRR, I'LL KILL HIM MYSELF!"  Of course, he didn't actually say any of that.  But you know he wanted to. ;)
Oh!  Question for my West Wing f-listers.  There was an episode (I think it was late season 3, just before Simon showed up), where this poet laureate named Tabitha was on, and Toby had a crush on her.  There is a scene where CJ is teasing him about it, and then she sobers up pretty quickly when he lets her know that he's going to try to ask Tabitha out.  They start walking again, and CJ is still a bit disturbed by it, and then she says something like, "I know this is crazy, but I thought maybe--" and then she gets cut off by either Josh or Sam, and she says never mind.  Am I crazy for thinking that she was going to ask Toby out to deflect his crush on Tabitha?  Or at least propose the idea of there being something between them more than friendship?  She was just so serious, and hesitant, and very against him going out with Tabitha.  Anyway, I wasn't sure if that was just my crazy shipper heart talking, or if that may have been a possibility.  She shows absolutely no jealousy of Andie, so it's a bit odd that she's jealous of Tabitha.

fictional love machine: sam seaborn, ship: josh/donna, show: the west wing, ship: cj/toby, meme

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