So, there's this show called Demons that I've seen pop up on my f-list here and there and I kind of ignored it because 1) I had no idea what it was, and 2) everyone said it was just mediocre, but then I saw a few secrets on
fandomsecrets about people shipping Rupert/Ruby, which is a middle-aged guy and an 18-year-old girl, and... well... I had to check the show out. I HAD to. It is my duty to sample every Old Guy/Young Girl ship out there. It just is. And... OMG, I AM IN LOVE! LOVE LOVE LOVE! It is terribly inappropriate, and the show is CLEARLY trying to say that Rupert and Mina are father/mother figures, but come on. COME ON! Rupert and Ruby are totally in love. They banter with each other and they shock each other and they constantly insult each other in a loving way and there are looks aplenty. Ooooh, inappropriate love, how I adore you.
This is Ruby's first glimpse of Rupert Galvin, so how could she NOT fall in love? And, after the crazy fighting with the half-lifes and Rupert being knocked down and whatnot...
he introduces himself like nothing just happened, and Ruby is immediately intrigued, because Galvin is awesome, despite his horrid attempt at an American accent.
Rupert is amused by Ruby. And intrigued. And he thinks he has her figured out.
And he is both touched and weary of her devotion to Luke, because it reminds him of his wife. Well, I'm pretty sure it does. They don't actually say this, but it's sort of implied later. Really. It is. Sort of. Anyway, Ruby is ridiculously in love with Luke for some silly reason, perhaps because he looks like a brown-haired Arthur?
Yes? No?
Anyway, she's in love with that fool and he is completely OBLIVIOUS to the fact and he hurts her in just about every scene because he's too ditzy to figure out that his best friend is in love with him. But Rupert figured it out the second he saw them interacting, because he gets Ruby after only knowing her for all of five minutes.
"Don't patronize me, I'm not stupid." [Walks off in a huff]
AMUSEDNESS! HE IS IN LOOOOOOVE! LOVE LOVE LOVE! And he is totally looking forward to driving her home.
Awkward sexual tension filled scene that is reminiscent of the end of a date.
SEXY PHONE NUMBER WRITING! SEXY LOOKS! SEXY SUBTEXT! Seriously, the way this entire scene was shot gave it such a "Guy hitting on girl" type of feel. Especially when he tells her to call him anytime, day or night.
SMILES! He even watches her intently as she goes into her apartment building. AND, I forgot to cap this, but Ruby looks at the number on her hand with the relish of a girl with a crush. And when she has a run-in with the half-life, she instantly calls him instead of Luke, but since Rupert FAILS at saving Ruby, naturally he is buying a hot dog while she's calling him, and she ends up calling Luke anyway.
Slightly unrelated, but I hated that in the first couple eps Ruby kept having to be saved. She is such a kickass character, and yet she was constantly put into the annoying "damsel in distress" role, which was so not cool. And it also wasn't cool when Ruby jumped into that fire circle thing in the second ep and Rupert didn't even try to stop her. He didn't even put a hand out or anything, just watched her go in, and he had to know that Luke would go after her, right? And he was SO worried about Luke that he jumped in after him and was worried only about him, but guess who was first to help Rupert when he was injured? Ruby. Despite the fact that Rupert didn't give one iota about her. Psh.
In fact, Ruby was the only one that bothered to care that he was badly injured, but naturally he gave her a smart remark that made her huff. OBVIOUSLY this is true love.
Ruby is SHOCKED to learn that Rupert was married. And that his wife was killed by Mr. Tibbs.
More looks. Alone at last.
Ruby prodded him for the story about his wife. He was only slightly agreeable and basically compared Ruby to his wife. In essence. He doesn't want her to get hurt, but through her association with Luke, she will, and he's trying to make her go away.
And then he's cocky over the fact that he just blurted out, "Stop trying to make Luke love you, because he never will, you silly girl." And really, what he meant by that was that Rupert sees how totally awesome Ruby is and maybe someday when she's older and over her silly crush on that emo kid she'll realize that Rupert is the one she wants, and he'll realize that he can get a second chance at love with Ruby and she'll convince him to stop worrying about getting her killed because she would gladly die if it meant that even if only for a few minutes she could be his. Oh yes. It was all there. Trust me.
Luckily, Ruby FINALLY got to do something useful and she saved EVERYONE, and she got to be bantery with Rupert in the sewer:
HE PRAISES HER! AND PUTS HIS ARM AROUND HER! And then redacts this action when she brushes off the praise.
And then Ruby is all sadface because she enjoyed having his arm around her. NO LIE!
And since he can't stand the sadface on Ruby he tells her he's proud of her.
She is now happyface and very flirtatiously asks if that means he wants to keep her around now.
"Let's not carried away, now." HEE!
He is jealous of coffee rendezvous during stakeout. Or... just disapproving. But, for picspam purposes, he was totally jealous.
And then Ruby is her kickass resourceful self and gets the DNA that Luke and Rupert failed to get, and Rupert is SHOCKED and IN LOOOOOOOVE and Ruby is so proud of herself for getting him to look at her like that. Seriously, she is so much more into Rupert's reaction than Luke's, ALL THE TIME.
He won't let her go with him and Luke to get dangerous vampire guy because he LOOOOVES her and doesn't want her to get hurt. And he delights in making her angry.
She flirtatiously tries to convince him to let her go with them, and he experiences SO MUCH GLEE at shutting the door in her face. Again, true love, my friends.
I... I don't know, I just like those caps. Ruby sucks at being conspicuous and Rupert is none too surprised.
Secrets. Rupert has secrets and Ruby wants to know them all. Because she's in love with him.
Mentions of the wife. Coincidence that Rupert's wife always comes up in the vicinity of Ruby? I think not. Coincidence that Ruby is more interested in every detail of Rupert's life than Luke is? I think not. She loves the dude.
They finally agree on something. Mina is one crazy-ass bitch when she's getting her vampire on.
CLOSE PROXIMITY! BONDAGE! Yes, I will squee over anything.
He chuckles at Ruby's reaction to Mina's insult. Seriously, he is so in love with her. He gets such a kick out of anyone teasing her. He just loves seeing her flustered.
But then Mina starts teasing him too.
And Ruby is DELIGHTED. Obviously she digs seeing him flustered, too. And she was giving him looks again. IT IS LOVE! LOVE IN ITS TRUEST FORM!
She even complains about him never giving her any chocolates or flowers. THEY ARE DATING, OBVIOUSLY!
Even old Rupe outrageously flirting with a woman his own age couldn't convince me otherwise. He was totally overcompensating in his appreciation of this library lady, because he is desperately trying to fight off his inappropriate feelings for Ruby. I speak the truth, people.
Look, he's even calling her! And being fake-sweet but totally loving it because it gives him an appropriate outlet to flirt with her.
He can't even put a book on a table without unnecessarily walking past her in an inappropriately close capacity and giving her a look.
Alone again. But we weren't shown what happened while they were alone, so I will just assume that they had a quick makeout session and broke apart when they heard Luke and Mina coming back in.
Again, he can't even walk past her without checking her out. The man is in love. LOOOOOVE!
And he got offended when Luke told him that Ruby called him a sexist.
So, now you can see why I simply could not resist all that goodness. OMG, I LOVE THEM! WHY ARE ALL THE FICS RUPERT/MINA? WHY? *sniff* To be fair, there's barely a fandom, so I guess beggars can't be choosers. And there's at least three R/R fics that I found, but I haven't read them yet, so no idea if they're good or not. Anyway, I dig this ship. A lot. And I am heartbroken that this show only gets 6 episodes. And I have no idea if they're planning a second series or not. Man, this is why I try to not get into British dramas. Six episodes isn't enough to get a full ongoing plot off the ground, nor is it enough time to properly develop characters and relationships. *sigh* I so desperately want the same depth that I get with an American drama, or even Merlin, because the potential is totally there. I think a 13 episode season would have been perfect. Oh well, I still have one last ep of inappropriate love vibes to look forward to.