Man. This weekend I was totally in Merlin mode and had the full intention of writing my Breakfast Club fic for
reel_merlin that I have been plotting out in my head for a month but just haven't been able to get it in writing, and... well... I wrote ONE paragraph on Saturday night and that was that. And, it was almost verbatim dialog from the movie, except twisted around into Merlin speak. *sigh* So, hopefully, NEXT weekend inspiration will hit me. I hope. I only get the writing bug once in a blue moon, which is why I am baffled as to why I sign up for these things. I always think I can force myself into being creative, but obviously not. I so wish that the stuff that happens in my head could just magically be recorded into my computer in a very beautiful narrative that is infinitely better than anything I could ever write.
Anyway, how did I get distracted from my determination to be in Merlin mode all weekend? I started going through all
these Buffy promo pics and somehow found a way to see Buffy/Giles subtext up the wazoo in pics such as this one:
HELLO! Everyone's paired off with their boy/girlfriend, and NATURALLY Buffy is all hugging up on Giles and he's looking all proud of himself with his bedhead and his loose tie and he's just like, "Oooooooh yeaaaaah." The dog. So naturally I spent my Sunday reading a whole lot of awful B/G fic (although there were a few good ones) and watching select season 4 episodes because Giles was desperately in loooooove with her in that season and he was being all angsty and having an identity crisis every five minutes. I think season 4 may be my favorite, as long as I fast forward through everything but Giles. Which I basically do with all the seasons on rewatch. But I'm pretty in love with season 5 Buffy/Giles, only... I feel like at that point that he is so resigned to the fact that Buffy will only ever see him as Giles and never as a man, so he pretty much gives up the tiny hope that he had in season 4. But at the same time, in season 5, Buffy and Giles were closer than they had ever been, both revealing a little more of their feelings for each other in roundabout ways, and both being completely comfortable with their relationship as opposed to previous seasons where they were both nervous about going beyond the Slayer/Watcher boundaries. And, technically, once Riley left, Giles sort of became her makeshift boyfriend and he felt VERY cozy in that position, but... then... well, the stuff with Glory happened, and Giles was trying to force Buffy to kill her own sister. SO, they weren't quite the same after that. Also, she died, so... that kind of put a crimp in their relationship. And I won't go into another rant about how they fell apart in seasons 6 and 7 because they are both idiots who refuse to communicate their feelings to each other. Or anyone, for that matter. Anywho, MORE BEAUTIFUL SUGGESTIVE PICTURES!
Just so you know, you can get the full size pics at the link above. Also,
here (there's a bigger selection at the other link though).
Season 5. This one's pretty self explanatory. LOOK AT THEM! BEING ALL GORGEOUS TOGETHER!
Season 4. They are completely leaning into each other and she's one step away from wrapping her leg around him. Seriously. And he has that smug look that says, "I'm totally doing Buffy. Look, they threw Riley out of the picture because she obviously belongs with me. And look at how much HAPPIER I am when she's leaning against me. 'Tis true love."
ADORABLE SMILE ALERT!!!! OMG, I LOVE THIS PICTURE! There is no B/G subtext here, it's just that this is the only promo pic where they all are actually smiling. Xander looks scary, though.
Season 1. Buffy looks mighty slutty. Giles is directly behind her. All he has to do is... OMG, I'M SUCH A PERV! HOW DO I SEE SUBTEXT HERE?
Once again, they line up perfectly with each other. They are leaning towards each other. SUGGESTIVENESS! Yeah, I know, with that logic there's actually more suggestiveness between Xander and Buffy, but they aren't LEANING on each other. It's like Buffy and Giles cannot stand not touching in some capacity.
Okay, dude, I so hate Giles's giant glasses in this pic, so try to ignore those and look at the beauty of Giles and Buffy together. Alone with each other. Against a table. With Giles being in the process of leaning down. THESE WERE SEASON 1 PICTURES, PEOPLE! Oh, the suggestiveness. I LOVE IT!
And last, but not least, we have him leaning over her in that sexy way that drives me crazy whenever he does it in the show and they look like they are very disgruntled for being interrupted during their leaning of sexiness. GAH, he does it to everybody, but for some reason I always found it the most sexually charged when he did it to Buffy. I felt this way BEFORE I shipped them, so I'm not just being an irrational shipper here. It's the truth.
OH! This one has to be shown:
I think that's ASH as himself and not Giles, and yet he's at The Bronze. So, perhaps that's Giles having a midlife crisis? I don't know. But it's adorable. And Buffy would totally have done him had he dressed like that. Seriously, the epic love story would be Buffy/Ripper and most definitely not Buffy/Angel. That's all I'm saying.
Also, since I'm here, let's talk about ASH's eyes:
One green eye, and one mostly green with a touch of brown. I'm just curious, does anyone know if that is actually brown, or is it blood blockage, which would mean that he's somewhat blind out of that eye? It blends together quite nicely on TV, actually, because it looks like he has one green eye and one brown eye and as Uther it makes him look a touch more sinister, but... I'm just curious if eyes can actually come out that way or if it's a medical thing. Also, his eyes are a beautiful shade of green, I just have to point that out. It's like a mixture of blue and green. And the other one is blue, green, and brown. So, he has super cool eyes.
Okay, I have properly embarrassed myself enough for one day with all that fangirling. Oh, and just in case you missed it since you all were probably out and about on Valentine's Day, check out my
one and only attempt at fanart that you will ever see, not to be taken as serious art, obviously.