Merlin - 2x06 - Beauty and the Beast Part 2 aka MY REASON FOR LIVING

Nov 01, 2009 16:07

Everyone has professed their love for this ep much more exquisitely than I can, so I will try to keep this picspam brief(ish), but Anthony Head was so brilliantly hilarious that I will probably end up having a thousand pictures of just him sexing up the troll. OMG! Also, this ep made me all melty over Arthur/Merlin, something that hasn't happened a whole lot this season.

UTHER IS STRIPPING, BITCHES! HE'S STRIPPING! Speaking of, Uther is only enchanted when he's wearing that necklace, right? So does that mean that he does not remove the bling when he gets his mojo on? Because uh... that will only add to my bling fetish.

Is he not the cutest thing when he's all confused and attentive? *dreamy sigh*

I don't know why, but his super dramatic delivery of "Who could have done such a thing?!" made me crack up like crazy. He sounded like he was near tears on her behalf! Bwahahaha, oh, Uther. I always knew he was a sensitive soul.


Uther may be a fool, but he's still badass when you mess with his lady.

!!! If those are not long, soulful looks of angsty love, then I don't know what is. Oh man, that just turned me to goo. PARTING IS SUCH SWEET SORROW.

I love how ditzy Uther is when he's enchanted. LOVE IT. And Arthur can't look Uther in the eye as he lies about Merlin getting away. Or he's scoffing at Uther's ditziness. EITHER ONE.


I will never get over Uther's drugged up look. NEVER.


I have no idea how Sarah Parish was so convincingly disgusted, because good lord was I turned on.

He is adorably confused again! She doesn't think that he is FIRM anymore.


GUH! The chest touch, the lidded eyes... *swoon*

Bwahahahahaha, DENIED.

"Get out of my sight."

A soothing massage! "You certainly have a strong grip for one so AAH delicate."

Denied again.

And I'm sure you all had naughty thoughts about violating Uther on his throne, you dirty buggers.

ANGST ANGST ANGST! I think that look is proof that the real Uther was in there somewhere and quite confused about what he was doing. He would never disinherit his baby boy! Never! Ooooh, Arthur. *sniff*

I love how he so politely said, "Yes, she's right, get on with it."

What up, Morgana?

Morgana is highly amused by Uther's taste in women.

The dude just never stops smiling when in the presence of his lady love. Or... when she greedily grabs the crown and runs out the door.

Do you know how much I love the fact that Morgana immediately chased after Uther who was chasing after his wife? A LOT. I LOVED IT A LOT. Especially since Morgana was mainly just entertained by the whole ordeal. SHE GETS A KICK OUT OF WATCHING UTHER BEING FOOLISH. IT IS LOVE! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"She's a troll, you moron!"

"GASP! How DARE you talk about my wife like that! Haven't her feelings suffered enough from your insults? I WILL KILL YOU ALL IF YOU SAY ANOTHER WORD, DAMN IT!"

"Dude, what's up his butt?"

Okay, the bedroom scene, easily the funniest damn thing in existence. I have to do straight captions here, because the actual dialog was just plain brilliant:

"I'm so sorry that you had to hear those terrible things."

"How could he compare such beauty with a troll?"
"Search me, I washed me face and everything."

"Your scent, it's just so... fragrant." *dreamy sigh*

"I am so blessed that it was my castle you came to, that I may look upon this vision every day."
"Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"I shall behold it!"

NOT DENIED. I'm pretty sure there was some tongue involved there. And notice she didn't use the troll breath trick this time. SHE WANTED HER SOME UTHER LOVIN'.

Look! He was gazing at the sun again!

And he is in a surprisingly chipper mood because he JUST GOT LAID. BY A TROLL.

Okay, yes, I realize that my screencapping of his facial reactions are A LITTLE BIT EXCESSIVE, but he's so wonderful!

Bwahahaha, Sir Leon is even ditzier than Uther. And Arthur. I FEAR FOR CAMELOT.

They really do make a lovely couple, don't they? I must say, it is SCARY how well Uther fits with a troll.

THE DRAGON IS HIGHLY AMUSED. Oh man, his glee cracked me up so hard.

"For you."

OMG, I love them! I fear that this troll really is his true love.

Holy jesus he is one sexy beast.

I don't know why, but I found her clutching his arm to be kind of sweet? I mean, I know she's just after the gold, but Uther is totally her badass bitch and she loves him.

Hellooooooo boys! Seriously, they are in love.

Is he not the most beautiful cryer ever? *dreamy sigh*


YOU'VE BEEN MAKING LOVE TO A TROLL. You've gotta pay the troll toll. Sorry, that song has no relevance whatsoever, but that's what always pops into my head when I hear the word "troll", therefore it must be linked to.

I loved this bit so, so much, mostly because it reminded me of Adrian Monk when he's faced with germs. The similarity in performance is uncanny (even the voice sounds like Monk there).

I love how ONE DROP of antidote saves him from an entire bottle of poison and restores him to full strength within SECONDS. And then, naturally, he vanquishes the troll and her servant (that she was totally in love with. You know it).

HEE! Embarrassed Uther is adorably amusing. He didn't even get angry at Arthur for laughing at his expense.


♥ ♥ ♥

...I didn't keep that brief at all, did I? I should have just said: My feelings for this episode can be properly summarized by Uther:

Incidentally, that can also be used to describe my feelings for Anthony Head.

ship: uther/morgana, show: merlin, fictional love machine: uther pendragon, picspam, love machine: anthony stewart head, ship: merlin/arthur

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