LJ cut be damned, that pic is too pretty to put under a cut. The leaning, the casual hands in pockets, THE FOOT!!! *swoon* What's that you say? Why yes, I have indeed raided OMG, ALL THE PRETTINESS!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! *flails* It totally looks like he's about to take his pants off. *dies*
I see London, I see France, I see Damian's underpants! hehehehehehehe. OMG!!!! *dies again*
Hello sexy, fancy a shag? *swooooooooooooon*
I don't know why, but I adore that pic.
*dies yet again*
Bond, James Bond. If... he was redheaded and wore pink shirts.
Mmm, even sexier in black and white. Check out his eyes there, wicked awesome!!!
Because even Damian needs some non-pretty moments. Although, I still think he's pretty adorable there. I LOVE that hat, by the way.
There's just something about him with his hands in his pockets that completely turns me on. I can't explain it. Of course, the sternum bush action is helping too.
*dreamy sigh*
There, I'm done with my Damian fangirl spazzing for tonight. Possibly. Oh, speaking of Damian, I've gone and downloaded my favorite eps of Life so that I could watch them without the commercials, and what happens? The music is all different!!! Why the hell did they change the music for the online versions? I'm so darned conditioned to hearing the music that they play on Hulu during the episodes that hearing it with the other (original) songs completely change the mood and symbolism of some of the scenes. For instance, the end of Serious Control Issues, where Nate and Ray say their goodbyes, I much prefer the Hulu version, because the music there made it kind of a heart wrenching moment, whereas the music for the original version is somewhat hopeful, completely changed the meaning of that scene for me. And The Walk from Powerless! OMG, HOW DARE THEY CHANGE THE MUSIC TO THE WALK! I was all confused watching the original version, because again, totally changed the feel of the scene, but... I actually like both versions, I'm just used to the online one. The one that really made a HUGE difference was the song at the end of Fallen Woman. The music to the original held so much more meaning and was so much more effective, and I am baffled as to why they changed this for the online version. And I'm pretty sure that the music where they go and capture Roman was different, too (and better on the original). The music seems to be such a huge part of this show, especially since they always close with a big musical sequence that usually sums up the episode, so messing with that is just... weird. I wonder if they couldn't decide which versions they liked better, so they decided to keep the different music on the online versions. So far, the only one that was truly better on the online version was the song at the end of Serious Control Issues. Wish I knew the name of the song on the online version so that you all would know what the heck I was talking about.
Anyway, in other news, I have FINALLY gotten around to watching a little bit of series 1 of Robin Hood. Well... the first episode, at least. It's... different. Over the top ridiculousness, which actually appeals to me. Plus, Richard Armitage in leather, so... yeah, definitely a must-see. Right off, there is so much slashy goodness to be had with this show.
tinted_glass, I highly recommend this show for you if you haven't already taken a look at it! Guy/Robin, some classic, hot, messed up enemy slash right there. Truth be told though, the relationship that pulled me in was Robin/Much, totally the kind of buddy slash ship that I fall for. One is ridiculously loyal and has so much love to give, while the other is a total asshat who is madly in love with himself. I think I'm going to love this duo, despite the fact that Robin totally turns me off with his obnoxiousness. Guy of Gisbourne is totally swoon-worthy though, but so far only because I'm already in love with Broody Richard Armitage. Anyway, the big heroic ending sequence of this first episode completely cracked me up, it was so incredibly ridiculous, particularly the bit where Robin saved Much by throwing the sword up and hitting both guards at the same time and they both fall off, while Much is perfectly fine. And of course Robin saves everyone while the guards just stand by and watch, and they don't attack him until after he's already saved everyone. Bwahahahahaha. I'm not digging Robin/Marian at all, but since this is Robin Hood, obviously that's a sure bet ship, but it's so... boring, probably because I find Robin so NOT charming that I just can't believe Marian would ever fall for him, especially when she's got sexy Guy of Guisbourne putting the moves on her. Anyway, I am definitely checking out more of this show. It's just so light and fluffy and there's sword fighting and leather and greasy hair and all kinds of goodness.