TV Guide definitely put Charlie in the wrong category...

Apr 02, 2008 15:30

Don't know if you all have been voting in the TV Guide poll about the sexiest TV stars, but they've put Charlie Crews in the nerd category.  THE NERD CATEGORY!  What the hell?  I've been voting for him every day though, because I'm a dork, and I hate to see him losing.  But TV Guide has pretty much assured a loss for poor Charlie. :'(  I guess I should be happy that he was even put into the poll, because Life needs all the attention that it can get, but nerd?  COME ON!  Charlie doesn't really fit into any one category, but badass would have suited him so much better.  Why?  Well... I'll give you pictorial evidence (yes, this post is just another excuse to picspam you with Damian Lewis.  I blame
jesshelga for encouraging me to keep posting pics of Damian with guns).

Exhibit A:

He still manages to be a smartass with two guns pointing at him after having been in a car crash that flipped his car over...

And then he shoots their asses and climbs out of the car unscathed, and stands over the bodies with complete indifference in his eyes.  Plus, he totally looks like a superhero with that backdrop, which reinforces the whole Batman theme.  BADASS!!!

Exhibit B:

He looks really, really sexy in Kevlar.  And the gun makes him badass, naturally.

Exhibit C:

He looks scary when he beats people up in the restrooms of fast food restaurants (scary, but sexy, especially with all that heavy breathing).

Exhibit D:

He was in frickin' maximum security prison!  For 12 YEARS!

And he was a skinny, pale, pretty, red-headed ex cop... who got into lots of fights with really muscley guys... and got the crap beat out of him (but he always gave them hell, so they'd end up teaming up on him in order to beat him down and... do things to him).

Even the guards beat him up!  With batons!!!

And he survived. *hugs Charlie to chest*

Exhibit E:

He makes a lot of sexy badass faces that make me squee.

Exhibit F:

He manages to intimidate simply by eating fruit.

Exhibit H:

... I don't know, I just like this pic.

Exhibit I:

Does this really need a caption?

Look!  He's making Titus cry. :'(  If that's not badass, then I don't know what is.

Exhibit J:

Dani wanted in on the sexy badass action.

And now, since I'm fair and completely unbiased (shut it, you!), I will present to you the opposing argument:

Charlie knows what an IM is.

He's got the cutest dorky smile ever.

And he's not so smooth with the ladies during awkward situations.

Now, how is that supposed to compare to the utter emo nerdiness that is Chuck Bartowski?  COME ON!  And they put Tim frickin' Riggins in the badass section???  Really, TV GUIDE?  Tim Riggins?  Since when is tackling people and mooning over the most annoying girl in the world badass?  Ugh!  Anyway... I think it's pretty clear which argument has more validity.  BADASS CHARLIE!!!!  I suppose we can come to a compromise and call him a nerdy badass. *sigh*

picspam, fictional love machine: charlie crews, love machine: damian lewis, show: life

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